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View Full Version : Cold Weather Fishing Clothing

Pete Brzezinski
10-01-2010, 02:15 PM
Hey guys, Pete Brzezinski here. Fall Fishing is here and cold weather comes with it!! I've been getting a lot of questions on what type of clothing that I wear to stay warm when the weather turns cold. So here it is.

Usually I start with some type of long john and fleece combo near my skin this traps air and holds in the heat. But the main thing is have a wind/water proof layer on the outside. For this I use my Clam Ice Armour suit(blue and black). For those of you that have fished with me or see me in the spring or fall I always have my bibs on when I'm casting. They are perfect! they keep the wind and rain/snow off.
Also when I'm driving from spot to I love that everything is wind/water proof. I guide out of a tiller so being in the back of the boat when I'm running I get wet (even had ice form on my Ice Armour Suit) but I always stay dry and warm when I have my Ice Armour on. It's money well spent, Hope this helps!

Pete Brzezinski