View Full Version : September 27th report

Ty Sennett
09-28-2010, 07:09 AM
I had Matt Wirth and his buddy Justin out yesterday. At the second spot Justin had one follow his Cowgirl and after about six figure eights the fish hit but Justin lost it. I told him to short pitch the bait back out right away to see if the fish would hit again. The fish followed in and after about fifteen or more full figure eights the fish hit again and got off again. that was pretty crazy. That one was a mid forty inch fish. A couple spots later we had one following the sucker around for a while and then a little later a different fish hit the sucker and Matt caught a 41 inch fish. We had another follow the sucker around for a while and then nothing for quite some time. At about 4:00PM Matt had one smoke his Pacemaker way out but didn't get hooks into it. Looked like a decent fish. Most of the fish came out of the water on the hit. At the other end of the spot Justin caught his first Chip fish on another one of the new "Clip and Go" rigs. that fish was 41 1/2 inches. Once again, that is one of the coolest rigs ever. So easy and so effective. I've got the same guys out today so we'll see if we can top yesterday.

Water temps were 59 degrees.