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View Full Version : Fishing Report 9-27-10

Justin Mullins
09-27-2010, 07:28 PM
It's hard to believe that September is almost over.. This has been one of the best of September's I've had. Since the 5th I have 39 fish in the boat up to 48.5. It has been a great month I only hope October is just as good.. I think eveyone that has fished the last 3 weeks will say it has been great.. Today was a musky day for sure we got 1 should have had a half dozen. The water is clear north of the flats but a little more color south of the flats. The water temp actually dropped a degree from yesterday down to 73.. The next several days look good for forecast with the high's being in the 70's with tomorrow being just like today low 60's. Every spot has multiple fish on them from the coves to the flats. I know I keep saying this but it's a fact. The last couple of days super stalkers have been producing for me. Cowgirls, Medussa, Top Water are also the tickets. Weeds are great but don't be afraid to move inside the main weed line when you can. Fish the last couple days have been super shallow. Also the big fish for me are not showing up until about 3 turns on the 8 so watch for that. Medussa's will be in by Friday our customs are great colors! Also next week our rods will be in check them out they look great!! Good luck and see you on the pond..