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View Full Version : Tuesday 9-21-10

09-22-2010, 08:36 AM
Hi everyone,

Well the Walleyes are starting to get more active. What ever they were chowing down on for most of the summer must be cropped way down. the pattern that produced more than any other was jig and minnows in deeper wood. The weeds still have the Bass and blugills and even the occasional northerns. Even saw another musky in the weeds. Followed a crank bait to the boat.

Only had a few hours to fish after spending most of the day again looking for property. Funny how the realtor pictures look so good. I didn't spend much time in the weeds or even the middepth bog flats. I focused in on the deeper wood after catching a Waleye right away there. In a couple hours I caught 3, but had numerous hits that I missed that I was pretty sure were Walleyes. They were biting really light. Most times they would stop the jig, then just hold on. I literally dragged some a couple of feet after getting frustrated that they would just hold it. I would wait, than pull. Still a little weight. Do that a few times. Get the jig and minnow back and the skin on the minnow is all peeled off.

I didn't use stinger hooks because of the snags. If you didn't get a bite, you would loose the jig. I floated the bobber line over the wood and kept adjusting it to get it just over the wood. I lost a few jigs that way till I had it dialed in. But they would not touch that presentation. I found the only thing that helped was to swear a blue streak at them very loudly. That seemed to work. At least it made me feel better. If your wondering where I was fishing, just try to remember if you heard some fool swearing his head off. That was me. I have to go to church twice next Sunday. But I'm sure the lord understands. After all, he fishes.

The water temps warmed back to 60-61 degrees. Still have to wait for cooler temps to get the natural forage to start to hibernate so the Walleyes will have to look for our baits. I also tried leeches and crawlers, but nothing would touch them. They wanted minnows. To sum it up, this weekend they wanted minnows in the deep wood. the minnows I used were Large fatheads. Hope this helps any one who is going to the Big Chip. If anyone needs a guide to show you the spots and tactics, Give me a call or email. we can set something up.
