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View Full Version : Fishing Report 9-6-10

Justin Mullins
09-06-2010, 06:54 PM
Well all of us at Crash's Landing hope that everyone had a great holiday weekend full of fun.

Fishing this past weekend was really good. We finally got some cool nights with very nice temps through the day and it got the fish to move pretty good. I ended with 6 all together 47,42,40,39,38,37 all shallow. The water temps in the creeks seem to be cooler than the open water stuff for now. Most creeks have 73-75 degree water while the open water is still upper 70's. A lot of people saw and caught fish this weekend on a lot of different stuff. All of my stuff was on blades but I heard fish caught on Medussa, small Jakes. The smallest fish I seen all weekend was the 37 we boated. The forecast looks pretty warm the next two days but mid week another cool stretch is coming in with hopefully some rain that we need bad. It's only going to get better from here now that the fish have moved in shallow. A lot of shad in the coves too. Early and late seem to be the tickets which is always the case this time of year. This coming weekend looks really good with rain too. Good luck this week and make sure you stop in.. Weeds GREAT!