View Full Version : Big Saint on Sept 8-12th

08-31-2010, 12:37 PM
Dad lives on Lake Content, and will be bringing up a buddy...looking for a few pointers on where to find some nice walleye, smallies....

Also best place for fish fry friday?

Thanks all,

Jim L
08-31-2010, 07:04 PM
Fish fry = Fibbers on the N. shore of BSG. You can get there by boat or car from Content. Lightly breaded perch are my favorite. I have never had a bad meal at Fibbers. Monday- German night , Wednesday -Mexican . Hoagie and steak sandwich are also awesome.

No I am not related nor do I share ownership.

Rob Manthei will be behind the bar so you can ask him about fishing.

08-31-2010, 09:18 PM
I am not related either and must second the Jim's opinion. The food at Fibbers is awesome, and it's a great northwood's atmosphere. Rob or Ray (where you should purchase bait in town) may be able to help with current fish locations..... Good luck!