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Jerry Tipping
08-10-2010, 06:50 PM
Kay and I were out for 2 hours this morning before it got to hot. Ended up with 7 big crappies, one "Shortie" and one perch jigging the channel edges near Splash. The flies were also biting.
No wind for two days so the lake is like a green carpet that smells bad. We are going out in the morning again and try some cranks near the dam and tresstle. Will post results.

Keep a tight line!!!


Jerry Tipping
08-11-2010, 03:30 PM
A bit slow today after the morning thunder and lightning. Only one "shorty", three crappies, one cat and a bunch of sheephead. There is a lot of grass and weeds floating that makes it hard to troll so we had to keep bring them in and cleaning the junk off.
