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View Full Version : Aug 9th report

Rob Manthei
08-09-2010, 08:47 AM
Get ready for another week of hot weather....we really need to have these warm temps go away...!!!!!!!!!!!

Water temps will creep back to near 80 degrees this week....this is VERY STRESSFUL on muskies...last week's heat claimed a couple of muskies(from what I heard) that wouldn't release....this is not the time to take multiply photos measure to the nearest 1/8", etc...be ready with hook cutters, spreaders, large net and KEEP THE FISH IN THE WATER!! If you don't have the necessary equipment to release a muskie or a large net, DON'T GO!

Walleye fishing has been very good for my customers and I...deep rock bars are my bread and butter pattern right now...simple approach....slip bobbers and leeches and/or the lightest jigs possible with a crawler...every day out last week that I walleye fished my boat got its limit of eaters(15" to 17") fish...can't complain during the heat of August..

Muskies were steady for my customers this past week...couple of people got their first and biggest fish....good job Will and Mike...

I am finding muskies both suspended over deep rock bars and also very shallow in heavy cabbage...lately I am only seeing results on two types of lures...Bulldawgs deep and Suicks shallow...been getting at least one fish every time out, so I won't complain about that.

Short and multiply feeding windows have been happening throughout the day and with really not predictable reasoning..morning, midday, dark...basically be on the water on a good spot..

The number of followers haven't been high, but the percentage of biters has been ok...yesterday could have been a great day, but a couple of fish wouldn't stay hooked..four fish ate, and only one was boated...

Good Luck!

08-16-2010, 09:34 AM
Any advice for Little Saint? I've been tossing mostly Bulldawgs/SuperDs (cisco & black/orange tail), and a TopRaider in West Bay. Nothing this morning or yesturday. Will keep at it the rest of the week.

Jim L
08-16-2010, 07:09 PM
That's musky fishing. I went 10 days without seeing a fish and then pop 2 in 2 hours during the middle of the day. I fish every day. Hopefully this cooler weather will turn them on and the fall bite will be better. My advise would be with all this rain we've had fish current areas.