View Full Version : A few questions...

07-26-2010, 09:12 PM
I know that double 10's are the big craze these days and for good reason, we all know they flat work, but since the density of BIG fish is so strong at Eagle, do/would double 13's work just as well if not better this time of the year????

And second, How much is the "Conservation license" and the Ontario outdoor card that we purchase right at camp?

Thirdly, how many tiger muskies does AML camp avg per yr??????

Aug. 14th, here we come....the boyz from Illinoiz!!

Steve Herbeck
07-28-2010, 08:01 AM
obviously big blades are/should be A PART of everyone arsenal but in my opinion most of the time they are an aggressive fish bait,during tougher,hot sunny flat conditions,cold fronts perhaps 8's,harrassers,conventional fluted blades,slow rolled spinner baits or a reactionary retreive bait like jerkbaits,or when fish move down breaks instead of in the weeds or on top of the rocks dawgs,or ripped minnowbaits might give you more action. as far as 13's i resisted throwing them but just 2 days ago i found some fish on top of deeper humps and the bigger profile and flash had them screaming after them mainly because i think they could just see them better from 15-24' down ,had 3 of the biggest fish i've had chances at this season after them hot,lost a mid 40# 54-55" class fish on a figure 8 and had 2 at least as big if not bigger i just couldn't get turning right as i was running the big mtr to hold in the wind,trying to cast,watch the locator and what everyone else in the boat was up to and was just out of good position.
they don't really pull much harder with a reel like the winch but...they do throw harder especially in the wind,and the fish seemed to react to them better the faster i could make them move and i ache from head to toe after it today,i will pick more specific times,conditions to throw them and pace myself when i do throw them.

Steve Herbeck
07-28-2010, 08:03 AM
our e-mail server was down tues and will be up sometime again today wed so if you sent us any correspondence during those time please resend so we are sure we got them and can respond to your questions/inquiries.

07-28-2010, 12:24 PM
obviously big blades are/should be A PART of everyone arsenal but in my opinion most of the time they are an aggressive fish bait,during tougher,hot sunny flat conditions,cold fronts perhaps 8's,harrassers,conventional fluted blades,slow rolled spinner baits or a reactionary retreive bait like jerkbaits,or when fish move down breaks instead of in the weeds or on top of the rocks dawgs,or ripped minnowbaits might give you more action. as far as 13's i resisted throwing them but just 2 days ago i found some fish on top of deeper humps and the bigger profile and flash had them screaming after them mainly because i think they could just see them better from 15-24' down ,had 3 of the biggest fish i've had chances at this season after them hot,lost a mid 40# 54-55" class fish on a figure 8 and had 2 at least as big if not bigger i just couldn't get turning right as i was running the big mtr to hold in the wind,trying to cast,watch the locator and what everyone else in the boat was up to and was just out of good position.
they don't really pull much harder with a reel like the winch but...they do throw harder especially in the wind,and the fish seemed to react to them better the faster i could make them move and i ache from head to toe after it today,i will pick more specific times,conditions to throw them and pace myself when i do throw them.
Interesting about those bigger girls coming off the deeper humps after the bigger blades.

The biggest problem I see with the 13's is that they are tougher to turn and speed up in the figure 8. Last year, I raised a 4 footer on a depth raider. When we went back over the spot, I had my buddy put on the 2x13's, and she came screaming in on it and wanted to eat, but after about 4 deep figure 8's my buddy was heaving and turning purple in the face...and when he got tired he accidentally hit her with the rod and she vanished faster than a virgin on prom night.

We pretty much use the 13's exclusively as a throwback bait at this point in time. I think once you got a fish up and she's >50% interested it's a good way to go back around and get her to go. Save your energy and get those figure 8's going fast and wide, and she's yours.

Now, go get those BIG GIRLS off the humps man!!!! :)


07-28-2010, 08:36 PM
What about Tigers?? How many does AML usually boat in a season???