View Full Version : Chip Size Limits Working?

Dave Hardy
07-20-2010, 12:28 AM
Ty, I believe I asked you a similar question about this time last year, so I am curious as to an update...

Do you notice, via actual catches, that the number of 40"+ fish are increasing? I cannot recall how long ago the 45" size limit went into effect and now I believe there is a 50" limit on The Chip. But with several years of a higher size limit under our belts, are we seeing/catching more 40"+ fish? Personally I don't spend enough time on The Chip to notice anything demonstrable. However, when I put together what I see with my brothers and then what I read here, I have to think the news is positive.

The assumption, I believe, is the higher size limit protects the muskie fishery and should lead to a larger size population overall. It would be nice to get some quantitative PR out on the higher size limit working as planned. While I am sure most anglers on The Chip are in support of a higher limit, I am sure there is a contingent that will push to revisit the limit and potentially roll it back to something less than 45" or 50". Maybe I am paranoid on this, but it does not hurt to reinforce to those that matter that the action taken over the past several years is working and producing a better and larger size structure muskie fishery on The Chip.

Hope all is well. By the way, great work in June and I am excited to see your July numbers.

Dave Hardy

Ty Sennett
07-20-2010, 06:39 AM
I'll get back to this one later but there is definitely an increase in larger fish on the Chip. I don't think anyone can deny that. Runnin' late or I'd write more on the subject.

07-20-2010, 06:41 AM
I have fished the Chip for quite a few years and I can verify that the size limit is working. The first big step increased the population without a doubt as I saw and caught more fish. The 45 size limit has definitely increased the amount of 40 inches as I now catch and see about 40 % over 40 inches. I can't say I see more over 50 than before but they are definitely there and the new 50 inch size limit will take a few years to monitor but I believe we will see more upper 40 inch fish. Most people I know did not keep the upper 40's before but there were some and enough to influence the bigger fish. It is proven the size limit works both for size and numbers. Catch and release is the best thing to happen on the flowage. I would like to see some research on the amount of fish over 50 inches caught each year but in the end you do not fish muskies to eat anyway.

Dave Hardy
07-21-2010, 01:12 AM
Yeah, you figure that the higher size limits would benefit the muskie fishery. Like ChipVet said, most muskie caught on the Chip were already released, but there were enough kept (big and small) that it had to negatively affect the fishery.

Maybe this size tracking is already being done on an official basis. With all the muskie boards around the lake, even though you might look at some entries with a skeptical eye, there is ample historical data to build a pretty strong case--based on empirical data.

As a sales guy, I really value facts in building a story. I used to read an annual recap written by John Dettloff in Musky Hunter and Muskies Inc. that noted 30# fish caught on The Chip. I believe he recognized fish 46" and above to be 30-pounders. You could debate whether all 46" fish are 30#, but he did a great job of cataloging these 46"+ muskie. It would be interesting to compare the numbers of 46" fish caught then and the numbers caught now. This factual view could really support the increasing numbers of big fish catches and the effectiveness of the new size limits.

So, John D., if you are out there and if you want to tell a compelling story about the Chip muskie fishery on the rise, then dig into some of your old reports and update with current catches--it would make for some great PR. On the other hand, don't share it with the entire muskie world, just share it with those that dictate policy/size limits...and those of us that never abandoned The Chip when Leech, MilleLacs, Vermillion, etc. had the spotlight on them.

Ty Sennett
07-21-2010, 06:58 AM
By the way, heck of a nice tiger you got there. Wouldn't be a good picture of you without a big wad of chaw in your mouth.

The lake charts definitely show some larger sizes compared to years past. It would be neat to see some pre 45/50" size limit compared to the old 34" size limit.

Mark Benson
07-21-2010, 10:51 AM
Dave Hardy:

I was always going to comment on the beauty permit in your avatar, but that musky is really special and I think you should change your avatar to it!!! BTW, good thread!!!


Dave H
07-24-2010, 09:54 AM
I've been fishing the Chip for 30 years & there's been a vast improvement in number & size. There was a time when any size musky was clubbed over the head & tossed in the bottom of the boat. Thankfully those days are finished, & over time the number of 50" + should increase nicely.