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View Full Version : Looking for a Trolling Plate

07-18-2010, 01:46 PM
My buddy and I recently bought an older Crystler 15ft boat with a 55hp outboard. We can get it to troll down but just not quite slow enough. I've used a trolling plate before but don't have one anymore. Was wondering if anyone has one they want to sell or knows someone that would sell theirs. I'm also looking for a cheaper set of downriggers. they don't have to be good looking or mechanically new just have to work. Thanks guys and gals -corey

07-18-2010, 08:50 PM
For what it's worth, if you can't find a plate. I've used a borrowed trolling sock.
What works almost as good but cheaper! ..... A pickle bucket with 1" inch holes cut in the bottom.
I tie the main line to the handle, than a secondary line (different color) from a hole drilled on the bottom lip, with a 1" split ring attached. When your ready to pick up and move, use the secondary line to invert the pail. Cheap but effective. Used this method on 15 to 23's!