View Full Version : MDOT and the DNR(E) - An Outrage

07-15-2010, 05:01 PM
With all do respect to you Chris and this web site - But this is an out and out OUTRAGE! They (MDOT) complain about no new revenue to maintain roads. So they may raise road, gas tax and registration fees, Plus dip into the DNR(E) fund to pay for road upkeep in the 2011-2014 season. How much did it cost us (taxpayers) to blacktop 440 west of FHW-13? And just who okayed this waist? Who is on the MDOT and/or Delta Road Commision that has seasonal property on that road, who could justify the expense to us?

... "According to Vince Bevins, transportation planner at the MDOT Superior Region Office in Escanaba, the federal fund is bolstered by two sources — the federal and state taxes charged to each Michigan resident when fueling their car." .... "“We are running real lean right now and most of the projects included in the STIP plans are ones that need to be done." (need tobe done?? ie: cr440) ... "The committee has come up with ideas like increasing sales tax, fuel tax, registration, or even taking some money away from the DNRE,” said Bevins. “Their recommendations have been passed to the legislature and now the legislators have to act on them.".


August primaries are just around the corner and November isn't that far away!

There, my two cents worth!


So there is no confusion -

M. Scott Raymond
A Gladstone "voting" resident (since 1995), hunting & fishing license buyer, tax payer & constituent

yeah, I'm peeved!

07-15-2010, 07:17 PM
Don't get me started on the DNRE and NRC. I have property in the NELP and those (*persons*) are doing everything in their power (it appears to many) to screw up deer hunting there for good.

How many of these positions are directly elected? Aren't most of these appointments? It seems like the biggest movers and shakers are political appointments...which really insulates them from public accountability (for better or worse).

07-15-2010, 07:55 PM
YooperTroll- I Whole heartily agree with you. This is why We as sportsmen (yes, that includes ALL! I don't have to be PC to be right) need to know who is for us up here and who wants a cushy seat in Lansing. The fact remains on what I'm B*%^ing about is the governmental bodies want to take the monies brought in by licenses and ammo and park permits ect. to be used for other government programs (roads and welfare). This is NOT what the Department of Natural Resources was intended for. If the state needs to raise more money to run, start taxing Fritos and Big Mac's. DON"T take our "bought and paid for" rights to hunt and fish monies. Period!

two more cents worth!


07-15-2010, 09:07 PM
One word. Obamabucks.......

Benzie Rover
07-16-2010, 09:34 AM
fishing reports?

07-17-2010, 06:44 AM
last trip up to camp, I saw that they are putting concrete curbs out on 513 side road entrances... "W.T.F" Why do you need curbs out there? Obama money that's why!!!

07-17-2010, 07:52 PM
You have to wonder ,,,, The same thing with a paved "Share-A-Ride" parking lot with stripage on the corner of US-2 and 511!!? .... Is this what Mr. Bevins wants to use your fishing/hunting fees for? Again ... all I can say is WAIT TILL NOVEMBER!.

as for Two Words' "fishing reports?" ..... there are other threads.
You want fishing report? Read the July 1st edition of Michigan Outdoors News ($1.25 at your local news stand) ... a 19+lbs Asian carp has been netted 6 (six) miles from Lake Michigan. This fish, along with many more I can only amagine, got by two (2) electric barriers and a dam! There, thats your fishing report!

But I digress ..... look at MDOT web site to see where their next projects will be and than see if your hunting fees will pay for it.

randy&maryjo troll jig pitchers
07-19-2010, 07:43 AM
Any polititions live on 513 towards stongington--senators--reps????

07-19-2010, 10:40 PM
Can you spell S-T-*-*-A-K?

randy&maryjo troll jig pitchers
07-20-2010, 11:33 AM
it does pay to be a politition

07-20-2010, 11:36 AM
For the record, Obama became captain of the 'Titanic' after it hit the iceberg. He's taken big political risk trying to change the 'game' so drastically in Washington. I'm certain that he'll lose the election when it rolls around again but it doesn't change the fact that he actually tried to do it differently. Yes, he put stimulus money into the states. We must accept the fact that it was our own state senators and local representatives that earmarked where the money went. Regardless to what we may want, they will continue to take care of one another. That is the only reason CR440 was paved. What other reasons are there other than the names and affiliations of the very people that live on it and benfit from it? Obamabucks? Yep. Obama's fault as to how it was used? Nope.

I didn't vote for the guy but I'm smart enough to see that he didn't create this mess. He's just not proving himself capable of fixing it just like past and future presidents. No matter who you elect next term, little will change. Until America is progressive enough to vote out the House, The Senate and Congress, pockets and special interest will prevail. It's the way the game has always been played.

Now, with that said, can we get back to fishing? I'm approaching my annual trip to your great state and there's little to no information out there. My group will spend no less than $6,000 during our week long stay. That should pay for an additional curb at McDonald's right? :0)

Peace to each of you,


07-20-2010, 03:37 PM
First of all - Welcome back to the area N2DaNight (and gang)! Best bet for fishing reports is this sight, call and/or visit the moderators of this link. They are more than happy to share info. I for one have been trying for cats at the North Shore boat launch in Nor' town. Must not be holding my mouth right ....... nothing but rock bass and sheep heads. Not many vehicles (4) in the parking lot last 3 days.

Appreciate your input on the DNR(E)/MDOT issue. They were voted in, they can be voted out. But they need to hear from us. They need to hear from us so often that they start to listen.

As THEY slide down the political bannister, may I be a sliver in their collective ass!
