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View Full Version : RFRG 7/9 Fishing Report w/Muskie Matt

Muskie Matt
07-09-2010, 09:17 AM
Here's an update... Water temps are high, both Pete and I are finding 74-78 degree surface water temps in general throughout the area. Pretty much all muskie fishing for me lately and it seems that an early morning start is the ticket. You can pick a fish anytime during the day and who doesn't like that sunset surface bait fishin? But, it does seem an early morning bite has been treating me the best, kinda a pain but get up at 4am, chug some coffee, and be on the water at 5-5:30am. Perhaps because the water has cooled overnight to it's lowest point over a 24 hour period??? Then again, you always have the night fishing thing to try...

Muskies seem to be hanging two places, buried in weeds or very tight to shaded shorelines. Fast is the word to describe the preferred retrieve. Working the weeds can be a test but worth the effort, spinner baits shine in this situation. Also try Mepps 5's and Crane baits, anything that can be worked between the tops of growing weeds and any weeds floating on the surface, about a 2 foot space of water. Learning to use the fishing rod with your reeling speed is critical. Each cast is much more than just tossing the bait out there and dragging it back to the boat...

I'm heading out again today, good luck to everyone fishin' this weekend!