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View Full Version : LLL & Teal Fishing Report 6/17-6/24

Nick Kanauz
06-27-2010, 11:52 PM
The walley bite was finicky at best, the few times we tried. Mostly hitting hard baits early evening off Duncan Bar, and South along Green Point area. Shad Raps in Chartreuse were best. Went to pick up some garbage floating on Farm Bar on Tuesday and found out it was the front half of a huge walleye. It weighed 4.6#, and was 14" long to mid dorsal. The whole back section was bit off, and full of tooth marks. Sure would like to have seen the Musky that took her on! Musky action started slow, but picked up as the week went on. Small #4&5 Buchertails in perch color was the ticket. Landed a 39" thick beauty and got her put back. Lost three others, over 40. Two of which took bluegills we were catching on poppers. Both well over 40 and in 2' of water. The most action for Musky was in the 2 to 8' depths. Most luck on the bars was casting over and back from shallow to deep. Jakes were producing follows, but no takers. Last night out had a little 20"er chase all the way to the boat and run the 8 five times before heading out...gonna be a tough fish if it keeps that attitude up...chase and run! Both LLL and Teal are heating up, keep the bucktails just above the weeds, and vary your speed. The 39" followed the btail all the way to the boat, and hit just as I slowed the retrieve and then sped it up...all three trebles. Pike are hitting just about anything you throw at them, and are very greedy on their hits. Caught over 20 of them and all were between 24 and 30+"s. Most of the bucktails were clear to the back of their mouths, and they hit hard. Some panfish still on the beds, and the bass are everywhere. biggest was 18", but only 3#. Back up in September for two weeks....want to learn these lakes, let me know, I'll show Walleyemax, and he'll put you on the fish! Best fishes to you all!

06-28-2010, 08:32 AM
Sorry I missed you last week Nick. I looked, but did not see the Smokercraft anywhere.

I concur that the musky action is/was slow. I'm seeing a lot of "window shoppers", but not a lot of eaters.

06-28-2010, 10:41 AM
Excellent report Nick,

I will definetly be making time to fish with you on LLL and Teal in Sept. We'll have to catch some 8# Walleyes to use as bait for that Musky HEH? Wow. Just think how big she is.

The Walleyes are playing hard to catch on the Flowage too. But with some persistence, we've been able to pick up a limit here and there. the panfish are everywhere. I get a kick how people fish the shallows for them. that's where the small ones are. The bigger ones are out deep, and just as catchable. We caught 2 blugills around 6"s. Otherwise all the Blugills, and I mean dozens of them in the last few days, have been over 8" with a few topping 10". Those are good Blugills.

The Perch have been out standing this year, and they too are out in deeper water. Been catching between 1-2 dozen every day, with most, and I mean most over 10"s. My clients have had good fish fries on the Perch alone.

Of interest, I've been catching more Small mouth bass than Large mouth. Been lots of Sm. mouths, and catching them deep and shallow. I've only boated a few Northerns. not fishing for them, so no surprise there.

I haven't fished for Muskies at all, but disappointd that I haven;t hooked some on the light tackle on the Flowage. The only Muskies I've caught were fishing from shore casting spinnners on a lake closer to home while I was on the mend. Usually I see several Musky on the Big Chip while fishing for Walleyes. All in good time I suppose.

Sorry i couldn't make it over this time Nick, I had to much on my plate. Give me some dates that you'll be up in Sept. so I can plan now. Thanks.

Keep up the good reports.
