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View Full Version : Weekly Fishing Report: June 12-19, 2010

Justin Gaudry
06-20-2010, 09:28 AM
A little wind and more rain leads the weekly report. Fishing was pretty good despite the sometimes adverse weather conditions.

Walleyes were found on shorelines and some reefs when the weather permitted. Bottom bouncing with spinners and jigs were the best presentation. Varying reports of which live bait was the best, but live was the way to go. Several fish from 23" up to 29" were caught and released during the week.

Northern action slowed a bit according to some scouts and spies I talked to. We didnt have many people in camp targeting pike this week.

Smallie action was good, but not great. Lots of the 18 inch range of smallies from our guys targeting them. Points were the ticket with a wide array of baits being used to get them to hit.

Muskies opened June 19 and the only report I had from someone fishing all day was that is was TOUGH.

A 30 MPH SW wind sent several groups home on Friday because it was near impossible to go more than a few miles safely unless you had a barge. That will have the fishing stirred up for a few days, but there is no sign of any major fronts this week.

A few days of stable weather should bring things back into balace and get the fish biting again.

Beware of DEADHEADS out on the water. I spotted one in the mouth of our bay and towed it in. It was as wide and long a deadhead as I have seen over the years and could do some serious damage to your hull, engine and personal well being as well. Maps and Sonar/GPS will not help you against these floating dangers. PLEASE BE ALERT AT ALL TIMES ON THE WATER. Take extra care if traveling in the dark and lowlight periods in general. If possible, ask your fishing and boat partners to help spot possible navigation hazards while on the water.