View Full Version : June 18th and 19th report

Ty Sennett
06-19-2010, 10:27 PM
On the 18th Rachel and I fished for a couple hours and hit about six spots. At the first spot we had a fish in the fifty inch range up three times in a row. I really thought it was going to hit one time. Not much else happened that day. Kinda slow for us besides that one fish.

On the 19th I had Aaron and Brad out. We started at 7:00AM and caught a fat 36 1/2 inch fish one a bucktail and then caught a small one on a Pacemaker. Right before we quit for the day Aaron caught a 44 inch fish on a Ghosttail. I don't know if anyone remembers but Aaron said if I put him on a fish he would wear a dress the next time we are out in the fall. If not, I would have to wear a mullet wig all day long. So needless to say, Aaron will be picking out a dress over the summer. The creepy thing is he seemed excited to pick it out. Aaron also caught a 35 1/2 inch pike which was his biggest fish until he caught the 44 incher. We didn't have a follow all day. Actually, I shouldn't say that. The one Aaron caught showed up in some really cloudy water after a full figure eight. Aaron already pulled the bait out of the water when the fish came up to look at it. He put it back in and did about four figure eights and then took the bait out of the water and the fish chased it on top. He put it back in the water and started a third figure eight attempt and it hit. Crazy. That makes it sound like Aaron screwed up but he didn't. He did everything right. We didn't see the fish until he took the bait out of the water each time. Again, crazy.

Water temps were 68 degrees

Brad L.
06-21-2010, 07:49 PM
Thanks for the great trip as alway Ty!

Ty Sennett
06-23-2010, 08:11 AM
No problem Brad. I'm already looking forward to this fall.