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View Full Version : Opener Predictions?!?

06-17-2010, 03:20 PM
Ok, the season is almost upon us. What are some predictions about the opener and the upcoming season?

What does the water level look like? What do the weeds look like?

Wager anyone?
Who will catch a 50 first, Frank or Dick?
Who will catch a bigger muskie this year, Rhummy or Me?


06-17-2010, 05:24 PM
Up a bit,still low.
Done deal.
You both will get a 49.9.

Muskie Junkie
06-18-2010, 07:32 AM
Well Ryan, I can not answer the first questions, but a small wager seems in order. ( on bigger fish between the 2 of us) When are you going to be there? I am only going for a week this year, July 10th - 17th.

As for DP vs. FW, seems to me that DP has an advantage since he absolutely has no responsibility around the island except to take rascal out for his daily romp. Frank has to at the very minimum make sure his valued customers are taken care of. I know for a fact the camp is usually enhanced by making accomodations for the " heighth challenged" clients. So Mr. Walsh, are you up to the challenge even though you are at a limited time on the water disadvantage? Oh yah, DP will have trolling motor issues anyways, so that does help even the playing field a little bit. Still thinking, but leaning towards FW. :D


06-18-2010, 10:26 AM
How about the loser buys the winner their choice of lure from Frank's store selection? Or maybe the winner should buy the loser a lure? Your choice.

I'll be there the 10th-17th, as well. Should be a good week, unless the week of the 4th sees its bi-decadal torrential floods and the lake goes up 3 feet in 72 hours. A roll of the dice like every year, but as the experts say, the best of the best will always rise to the top despite any undesirable conditions. Or, in my case, maybe this year I can be the lucky schmuck. See you on the docks.

DP – I'm talking about the first in-season 50.

For the rest of you, well I understand your reluctance to vote against, Butkus or God.


Muskie Junkie
06-18-2010, 12:43 PM
Sounds good Ryan, we can decide which way to "pay out" when we meet up on Saturday. We could probably flip a coin if it becomes too diffucult to decide. Are you bringing Joe or someone else? I am bringing a new person to LOTW this year. Sully was unable to swing it that is why he is trying to make some money selling DP's spots. :p Stuart and I were going to hook up but he was laid off for a bit and decided it was not in his best interest to commit to going.
Hope the water does not rise too quickly and the fish are aggressive. Partner's personal best is 38 so I hope to find him a 40+.


06-18-2010, 01:15 PM
Well in that case you'll have to wait til tomorrow although i doubt either Frank or I are reporting much this year-at least I'm not.
On the other hand,if you make it a bit challenging,say 60-65 inches,maybe we'll bite.:D

06-18-2010, 01:20 PM
Forgot to respond to the torrential flood comment.We haven't had that but man have we had winds the last 2 days.In fact,I don't envy anyone trying to get out here today for tomorrows 'opener'.Every so often the last 2 days the water depth changes by about a foot here in the harbor cause of the wind.Almost making me homesick for SoDak where the wind always blows.

06-18-2010, 02:39 PM
Jo used up the last of her vacation on a trip to the Bahamas we took a week ago, so my Dad will be coming with me. Now that I live 12 hours from him, I try to fish with him as much as I can, which doesn't equate to much. He still hasn't cracked 40" either, so that is my primary objective. Pretty amazing really, knowing the water I've had him on, namely the Woods several times, but then again he is related to me, so... He's had them on, several times, but that is the way the cookie has crumbled. Good luck to you and your buddy. I'm already really pumped to be back up there, it's been 3 years since I've fished weeds.


06-18-2010, 04:15 PM
Quit it! The weather the week of the 4th will be wonderful. I have connections. Do not doubt me. ;)

06-20-2010, 08:32 AM
Frank will get the first Bell Ringer. Dick will be pounding the same old spots I showed him years ago. A million acres and he camps on the same 25 spots day after day. Not sure what the logic is there but hey, it is what it is. Try as you may you can't teach an old Dog new tricks. This one does not understand the concept of "variety is the spice of life".

06-21-2010, 07:21 AM
Well,well.Sully lives.Sully please come back and show me some new spots.5 of my 25 have died of natural causes.3 are infested with Purple Loose Strife and reject all lures.2 are milfoil infested-Illinois milfoil.4 have dried up.A marina/Casino complex have ruined my only point.I simply am struggling with only 10 left.
As to the 'Opener',well I called it.SLOW!!!VERY slow.Of course I get my daily dose with one just a 'tad' under 60 and another just a 'smidgin' under 55.(See Pearsons Musky Dictionary,3rd edition,for the definition of 'tad' and 'smidgin')
Tim G did get a beauty yesterday-50.5 on a standard prime time bait.
Mr Walsh was treated to dinner yesterday by his cheapskate neighbor and returned the favor by guiding him to great stories and an introduction to beer,slim jims and Miss Universe.(If anyone can figure that out,you deserve a 60 a 'tad' over 54)
We are taking the day off and working dogs,lawns,and sun burnt egos.

06-21-2010, 02:33 PM
The front page has a Flash Flood warning up through Tuesday night. It looks like the Monsoon is coming earlier than the 4th. Now the question is, when will things level out and the muskies start going crazy. I'm betting on July 10th.

Muskie Junkie
06-21-2010, 02:44 PM
Ryan, I am with you on this one. You could not be more correct. Frank, make it happen....... please. Maybe that cheapskate neighbor could do some form of a Muskie dance !!!
