View Full Version : Tigers

06-10-2010, 08:33 PM
I am going to be fishing a stocked tiger only lake on Saturday. Lake is small(less than 1,000 acres) with a max depth of 14 feet. Any advice on fishing tigers compared to natural strains? Do you notice any difference in bait or color preference?
Thanks man
Scott Webster

06-11-2010, 10:15 AM
Try bright colors.

06-11-2010, 10:37 AM
Really, there's no need to do anything different than normal if you're fishing an all-tiger lake. Fish them the same as you would natural muskies and you'll do fine.

Colorwise...I've always had more success with black/orange, but any color or presentation will work if they're hungry.

In lakes with both naturals and tigers, the only two major differences I can offer conclusively are these - Tigers will more often remain active during a cold front. And they will go after a faster presentation when natural muskies want something slower. These aren't necessarily "tips", but rather observations.

I think Tigers offer us a broader range of successful tactics. I'm not saying they're easier to catch. Instead, I'm more inclined to say - for fishermen, having Tigers in the lake increase our opportunities to put a fish in the boat - even when we, as fishermen, are making poor tactical choices. ;)

Ty Sennett
06-11-2010, 11:06 AM
Of the biggest ones boated over the years the biggest were on Ghosttails with green or chartreuse blades, Pacemakers, and suckers. We've had more than forty that were in the 44 to 45 inch range through the years and those three baits/suckers accounted for about two thirds of them. Funny thing is we have only caught one over 45 inches. That one was 47 1/2 inches on a sucker. The other interesting thing is all of the Pacemaker fish were mid day and not in the evening or early morning. I do remember loosing a few big tigers on crane baits. Both of those were in the four foot size range. The other bait that has been good also is the Bootail with the clown pattern blade.

Wow, that was a lot of rambling on. Not sure that helped at all.

06-12-2010, 06:41 PM
Hold it, Ty. I would be remiss if I did not jar your memory. YOU witnessed me hook and actually land a 45 and ONE HALF INCH Tiger Musky one very fine Sept. morning while I was, in fact, standing in the front of your boat. I have a picture, you know, and a fine replica adorning my wall in my TV room. A wall I look at frequently, by the way. And yes, it was a black bucktail with a green blade that you so cleverly suggested I throw out there. We fished so very well that morning, as you are a top notch Guide. Committed to your craft, you are, and I respect you so much for that.
This HALF INCH is very, very important, particularly to we Musky Men...and possibly some Muskie Women. Perhaps. None the less, it is to Your credit that not merely one but instead TWO tigers over 45 have seen Your net. Don't cheat yourself, my friend.
Now, I do jar your memory with some reservation, but it seems that in your advancing years, your memory of events is...failing. As you fiend, as one who admires your dedication, I simply am compelled to give You credit where credit is due, as You so richly deserve proper credit.

Seems to me that your Bride landed that 47 AND ONE HALF INCH Tiger, yes ? Please correct me if I am mistaken...which I am frequently.

I had a dream once...that I dunked. But, it was on an 8 foot hoop. Still, it was glorious.

Ty Sennett
06-13-2010, 11:12 AM
Oh, I remember Robert. I even remember the really light colored 48 inch fish that followed on the same spot on the same Ghosttail and the upper forty inch fish that followed a Pacemaker the night before off of a little reed point. I just think you snuck a half inch in there when I wasn't looking.:D

06-14-2010, 12:56 PM
Fished for 8 hours in cold rain and wind and had one blow up on a Pacemaker. That was it. Thanks.