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06-03-2010, 06:24 PM
Just joined the board and i am new to muskie fishing, just wanted to say hello to all of you. I do all my musky fishing on Tippy and James, so any good advice one could pass on would be much appreciated. Hope to meet some of you at some point.


06-07-2010, 10:11 PM
HOw are you fluff. Welcome to muskie fishing, I don't know how long you have been doing it, but hope you score some big fish. I'm not an expert, but I guess for Tippy and James, I would just say look for fish activity or baitfish and if you find it, stick in that area until the fish decide to eat. I usually look for breaks or points and fish them and then slowly move out away from them into open water until I find some activity. They are good lakes to catch big fish. Good luck.

06-13-2010, 11:51 AM
Thanks alot of the info Toad, I have been trying to hit the water as much as possible here lately but havent been able to fish as much as i Like. I have seen a decent amount of fish and have gotten some follows but no strikes. I will keep pounding the water until i catch one though. Good luck to all and stay safe out on the water.


06-15-2010, 07:09 PM
Then it's just a matter of time really. Follows lead to strikes eventually. Took me a while when we started and I still go through some dry spells with follows but no strikes. Beats nothing, I guess, but it can seem pretty frustrating. Always do figure eights, you will find that a lot of the fish you catch you never see. Fill us in when you get one.

10-20-2019, 04:04 PM
Welcome aboard

I hope you enjoy simming with us.

Pretty much everyone is up for JPs and most arent too scary...eyes Setak Its certainly a unique group.

12-06-2019, 06:34 PM
Greetings and welcome aboard. If you would need anything just knock on my door. Glad you decided to join our little merry band of adventurers. Simming is a lot of fun and helps me enjoy Star Trek even more.

Again, welcome aboard