View Full Version : June 1st report

Ty Sennett
06-02-2010, 08:10 AM
We fished last night from 6PM until dark and had action from four fish. Three went after Ghosttails and one went after a Stillwater, then a Ghosttail, then a Stillwater, then a Ghosttail. Active fish but just didn't want to commit. Two of the muskies did hit but we didn't get them. Three of the fish were mid thirty incher and the one that followed four times was a low forty inch fish.

A little cold front went through last night so we'll see what that does to the fish. I'll be out most of the day today.

Good luck everyone,

Pike Catcher 01
06-02-2010, 04:44 PM
Hello Ty,

This is a first time post for me, I have been a huge follower for the past few years and figured it was about time to join the party. My name is Nate and I was hoping to just get some ideas on good island locations that you would prefer to fish around during the last week of June up on the Chip for Muskies and Walleye. Any information you could provide would be great. It is a real pleasure to join this party. Can't wait to get up on the Chip and finally breathe for a few days. Have a good one.

Nate G.

Tempus Fugit
06-02-2010, 06:50 PM
I'm a long time lurker too. When I was a kid we used to drive up from Milwaukee in the fall to fish the Chip. I live a lot closer to it now. After 35+ years of fishing for walleyes and bass, I went pretty much 100% muskie middle of last season.

Fished 15 hours Saturday w/o even a follow. Sunday we fished till 3 pm and had one follow.

I'm still paying dues and learning massive amounts every time out. I'll be out Saturday and Sunday this weekend, and Thursday-Saturday next week.

John Myers

Ty Sennett
06-07-2010, 07:12 AM
Hey guys, good to have you aboard. The fishing has been tough the last few days but for the most part look for spots with good weed growth and structure and you will find fish. Hard to say where the fish will be at the end of June this year. Every year is different. Jump around a lot and you will find them.