View Full Version : Leeches??

Frank S
05-11-2010, 06:33 PM
Thinking about trying some new techniques this year. I am a crank guy, use harnesses if I have to, but may try some jigging and rigging on the bays. That used to be my primary way of fishing on other waters, I know that boards and trolling cover more water, just curious if anyone uses leeches on a rig or under a bobber. Good luck out there, early season, look out for floating (or almost floating) debris and wood. Big stump out there last year, a few years ago, found an industrial pallet made of 4X4's that would have punched a hole in a boat, one corner floating about 2" above the surface.

05-12-2010, 03:55 PM
We have used leeches and it is nice to not lose them so quickly to little perch bites like you do with the night crawlers. Generally used them on the floating jigs while drifting. We go prepared with all types of gear though. It seems like every year something different has worked better, whether it is a different lure, jig, rap, spinner or colors.