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Joel DeBoer
05-10-2010, 12:35 PM
It has been excellent trout fishing as of late, despite the fact that the water conditions are a bit lower and clearer than usual for this time of year.

Not all that is the glory of fishing requires the use of a boat, excursions onto big water, or the pursuit of fish heavy enough to cause one to strain while lifting. In fact, in the case of stream trout fishing, the charm is largely due to the primal aspect of the pursuit and the true beauty and splendor of both the quarry and the environment in which that quarry resides. North-Central Wisconsin is home to several excellent trout fishing streams, offering ample opportunities for Rainbow, Brown, and the exquisitely marked Brook Trout. While trout fishing in streams can be considered primal, even dare I say, simple, to consistently catch fish requires a great deal of skill. Make no mistake about it, targeting and catching trout from the shallow narrow flow of stream, especially large trout, is indeed quite a challenge.

As with fishing for any species, ensuring one is properly outfitted is the cornerstone for success. An ultra-light or light action St. Croix spinning rod will handle any presentation you will deal with. From casting small spinners or crank baits to working flies or live bait via a casting bubble, these lighter actions will not only allow you the load to properly cast and present your offerings, but also heighten the experience of fighting and subsequently landing a fish. Balance the rod out with a small sized spinning reel spooled with 2-6 pound Sufix fishing line. When fishing trout in streams, it is a good rule of thumb to use the lightest equipment you can get away with as trout in shallow clear water tend to be a bit spooky.

Effective presentations for trout include both the use of fly-fishing and spinning tackle; we will focus on the use of spinning equipment. While live bait can be effective for cashing in on trout, many stretches of streams entail the use of artificial lures only. In-line spinners are perhaps the most popular trout lure, and for good reason – they flat out produce for all species of trout; however, there are also a few other options anglers should keep in mind to keep ahead of the game. Small plastic offerings such as the Mister Twister Exude Corn Niblet, Roe, and 2 ½” Trout Worm are terrific options for pressured local fish. While ultimately the fish dictate which color(s) to use, carry a selection including pinks, oranges, and naturals to best be able to match the mood of the fish. The Corn Niblet, Roe, and Trout Worm can be fished on a small plain Mustad hook or tipped on the back of a presentation such as the Mister Twister Steelhead and Trout Jig, Tiger Bug, or Lightnin’ Bug.

As mentioned earlier, in-line spinners are perhaps one of the greatest weapons ever invented for scoring on stream trout. Just as fly-fishermen carry with them dozens and dozens of flies to better ensure their ability to “match the hatch”, so does the stream trout spinner fishermen need to carry with an assortment to do the same. Depending on water depth and conditions, it is imperative to have a range of sizes and colors on your person. Mepps spinners in sizes 00-2 will cover any situation you will encounter here in North-Central Wisconsin. While gold, silver, and copper blades with natural dressings are standard choices for the clear water, bright blades and dressings may become necessary in the advent of high dirty water or high fishing pressure situations. Spinners such as the Mepps Aglia, Aglia Streamer, Comet Mino, and Thunder Bug are all good choices for fishing shallower areas, or for where there is less current. Deeper pools or higher current areas require heavier weight or less drag blade designs such as those found on the Mepps Aglia Long, DeepRunner, or XD.

Once you are properly equipped, locating trout means identifying likely habitat in the stream. Deeper bends and pools in the stream, undercut banks, especially with grass or other debris hanging over the water, eddies, riffles, rocks, and snags will all hold fish. Whenever possible, work upstream, casting as you go, and maintain control of your silhouette to avoid detection by resident trout. If you haven’t given trout fishing a try, you’re missing out on quite an experience. The fish are beautiful and fight hard, and the scenery is second-to-none.

Tight lines,