View Full Version : Can't Touch These......Yes I Can!!!!

Frank Walsh
05-07-2010, 02:37 PM
In my perpetual quest to have something Pearson does not have, we have these two new versions of the Double 10 available this year.

First is a version I used heavily last year. A Flashaboo Double 10 with single siwash hooks (ala. Eagle Tail) instead of the typical treble. Awesome in the weeds, and much more forgiving in the shallow rock. And a whole lot more forgiving in my forearm. Some of you may have tried one with me last year.

And Now.............

Get an eyeball on the very special grub tail. These are custom made to ride on the treble hook shank without affecting the performance of the lure. I also have replacement tails in the rare event (ha...ha...ha) that a tail is destroyed by a fish. This tail is so deadly, it has been outlawed in all 50 states, and quite a few Canadian Provinces. Like my stash of Cuban cigars, I got a supply before the laws changed.

Where can you get these two gems you ask? Why, of course, only at the Bay Store Tackle Shoppe.

Finally got two lures Pearson does not have. Unfortunately, the third one is a custom surface bait he rarely goes without. I'll keep this one secret for a short while. Let's see if he can guess. The first clue is that it is not the Hellcat, which makes four specials you can only get here.

Frank Walsh
05-07-2010, 02:48 PM
No idea where the pictures went?????

05-07-2010, 05:45 PM
Well,well,now I know where the word 'Piker' originated.Should have figured Frankie would be up to deceit and trickery when the weathers bad and he's stuck indoors.

Also should have known better than leave him a key to my secret lure vault when we left the island.Obviously he's an accomplished burglar.Nevertheless I refuse to rise to the bait(sorry for the bad pun)and address 'his' lures.

What I will disclose however are some SECRET new baits that fortunately weren't in my vault.Behold the huge new PEAR BOMBS!!!!Heck my rubber duckie attachments are bigger than 'his' lures and,for now,I won't comment about the hammered,colored blades except to ask you to note the purposely blurred out concave portions.Man baits!!!!
As to the surface bait-if he had it-he'd have posted it.
Take that Piker!

Frank Walsh
05-07-2010, 06:14 PM
Any unemployed NASA engineer can plainly see yours won't work. Newton's third law clearly dictates that the neutral buoyancy created by the increased mass of your reconstituted prophylactics will not compensate for the dielectric properties of the hydrogen oxide in it's current liquid state.

05-07-2010, 06:23 PM
I think people will easily see how 'rattled' you are-first double pics/posts,now a double response.
People who look carefully will discern the concave ridges on all my blades and,if they look closely at the double 11,will be able to see the screw apart section that allows one to switch out blades or hooks.(ala an old Tom Fudally 1980 Wabigoon proto development who's time has finally arrived.):)

Frank Walsh
05-07-2010, 06:29 PM
Involute ridges on the blade.....convoluted owner, who for some reason is seeing double. Excessive riding on a vibrating tractor, I presume?

Frank Walsh
05-07-2010, 06:31 PM
Don't make me drag out the pink Vibrax!

05-07-2010, 07:14 PM
Sticks and stones...........but words will never hurt me.

05-07-2010, 09:19 PM
Well I reluctantly must admit I've had a minor setback and that Mr Walsh has had a minor coup.
'Sources' report that he not only obtained one of my secret surface weapons,but that he will have some for sale this season.Quite distressing.:(
Forgive and forget?FORGET THAT!!!!!!!:mad:

05-08-2010, 06:53 AM
Good news for most of us!Just received a call from East Braintree,Manitoba and last nites 'search and survey' by Black Ops Contracting was apparently successful.I think its safe to say that I will soon be posting pics of certain lures and lure protos belonging to a certain Resort 'operator' on the Woods.
The operation is costing me a few phennigs but it sounds like it will be worth it.
Stay tuned.;)

05-08-2010, 01:07 PM
Wow,a 'few phennigs' was right.Just had the bill for the 'survey' faxed to me and ouch.3 pages of itemized stuff including questionable items like 'stolen hat' etc.After getting up off the floor I immediately called 'Black Ops Contracting'.Yada,yada,yada about this and that and when I would zero in on specifics I would hear heels clicking,and receive something like 'nicht verstehen sie,uberzetzensie auf Duetsch' etc.
When I'd get any info at all it was incredible to say the least.On the 'stolen hat' for instance they claimed one of the 'surveyors' was attacked by a Walrus that had curly hair and abnormal long legs.I argued it sounded like a big Chessy dog but they said 'no,walrus','vicious walrus'.When asked how they knew that in the dark they said all surveyors used NVGs(night vision something I guess)and the guy attacked said he got a good look and it was clearly a vicious looking walrus that,hadn't he ducked,would have taken his head off but only got his hat.I argued we had no Walrus's that far south and some Chessys loved hats belonging to others to no avail.
Finally I said I intended to sue over the bill and was told to read the fine print in our contract.Ouch again,it requires disputes to be arbitrated in Dusseldorf,Germany,the home office of Black Ops Contracting.
Not sure how I'm going to proceed but they assured me that if,only if,I paid I'd be very happy with what their survey came up with.Apparently they have actual lures,not just designs.Am awaiting a call from my lawyer as to what to do.More later.
Dufus from Dusseldorf.

05-08-2010, 06:20 PM
Well I followed my lawyers advice and settled with Black Ops Contracting.In exchange I've been assured I'll have the 'obtained' lures and design plans of a certain Resort operator in my hands late tonight or early in the morning.
Vengeance shall be mine sayeth the Muskie Gods!!!

05-09-2010, 08:25 AM
Mein Gott!Vat have I gotten into with this mess?
Black Ops Contracting's rep just dropped off a package.Quite an experience.Black van,black tinted windows,occupied by a 250 lb skinhead dressed totally in black wearing among other things a shoulder holster and a Zircon studded K-Bar.I'll quit but when he asked,'Herr Parson I presume?',I almost turned and ran.Oh well,I got the goodies.
Now after opening the box I'm not sure what to say-or where to start.
To say I'm flabbergasted would be an understatement.I think in fairness to a certain Resort operator I'll just tell you what the first page of the 'Design Brochure' obtained stated and then attach pics of what the brochure described as the 'Walsh line' for 2010.You can draw your own conclusions.
In the first three pics the baits were labeld as follows:"stolen Buck";'Walsh Wiggle Crank';'Walsh Wobbler'(Chrome Dome);'Walsh Wobbler(Puke)'.
In the last 2 there was the sizeable Spinner bait labeled 'Walsh Bass Spin-Oar' and the quite large wood bait was labeled 'Walsh Hitchy Twitchy'.
Not sure what else to say.

Frank Walsh
05-09-2010, 08:42 AM
Christ, it looks like you stopped at every "Adult Toy Store" along the interstate on the way home. I could not even afford the batteries for those things.

Not to mention the park bench. Need a trench cot to sit there????

05-09-2010, 08:56 AM
'Adult Toy Store'?Careful now,remember I have your complete 'Design Catalogue'.Your proposed ad campaign reads and looks like......

Still flabbergasted in SoDak.:confused:

05-09-2010, 11:21 AM
I hope fishing season opens soon, you guys are losing it. Maybe you can get Bill Clinton as a mediator, he isn't doing too much and probably knows quite abit about the adult toy store thing.

05-09-2010, 04:05 PM
I think Frank would like that a lot.I know they both like a good cigar now and then.
As to fishing season,I agree.Hope to be wetting a line again by wednesday.Stop by.

05-09-2010, 05:05 PM
I will be out to visit you guys when the weather is fit on a weekend. Unfortunatly I have to work during the week. It will sure be nice when the word work isn't in the vocabulary. I forgot about Franks cigars, better watch out him and Bill have a lot more in common than I thought, he might be a predjuce mediater.

Frank Walsh
05-09-2010, 08:08 PM
Seasons?????? I thought those were just "guidelines"........

Frank Walsh
05-09-2010, 08:08 PM
Seasons?????? I thought those were just "guidelines"........

05-10-2010, 08:46 AM
How true Frank, the season never closes so i'm not sure why they make such a big deal out of opener. Guess I got caught up in the hype. An old angleite once told me having a license takes the fun out of it. Looks like we are going to get some rain. Its raining in Roseau now.

05-15-2010, 06:03 AM
Well Frankie finally got a piece of 'gear' I don't have.Dropped it on me last nite at the dock.Its some sort of wire contraption you twist on/over your rear treble that allows you to hook 'rubber duckies','grubs' and other assorted 'nightcrawlers' and 'do-dads' to your lure.
Suspect he'll be creating a barbed wire shortage in the near future as he seemed pretty proud of the device.:o