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05-01-2010, 02:15 PM
Guys I had a very interesting evening this week & I need some advice.
Between 4-830pm I encountered approx 15 muskies- 3 got off before I could boat them, about 5 had short-strikes, and another 7-8 follows. The fish were inquisitive, but not agressive, they would either not strike at all or just take a little nip at it. All different -sized fish too. A couple sat there & flaired their gills at it, that was wild. Usually when Im at the right place & right time, they totally eat the bait, but this wasn't the case, they were defenitely acting differently.

The water was very clear, and there was absolutely no wind at all ( I mean none).Im thinking maybe they could see it too good and that made them cautious. I was hoping for a little chop in the water but it wasnt happening. I tired every type lure, but only a jerkbait, worked slowly, got the action-- everything else got no attention, no follows, nothing.

Pressure ws high that day early, but by evening had dropped nicely, and it was second day of the Full Moon Period.


05-01-2010, 02:40 PM
I'm definitely too much of a newbie to really give you any advice on that situation. However, I sure wish I could lend you a flyrod and some flies to try. That sounds like a perfect situation to maybe put something a little smaller in their face and that has awesome "breathing" action even on the pause! Good luck man, sounds like you have some serious action ahead of you.


05-01-2010, 08:12 PM
Hey man, i think i might know where you were?!?

Ok i kinda ran in to that today also, i did not see as many skies as you. I was checkin out totally new water today for most of the day with a low 30 hitting and getting off. Then i missed a real nice feelin fish, i believe it was a pike as we toyed with a upper 30 pike for the next 15 minutes, he would follow and swing and miss... my fishing partner today was a good friend of mine who fishs only a few times a year and has not really caught much of anything, so i tried like heck to get him the fish... the fish won today

Then i went to my home waters, for the last hour 45 min of day light. The water was clear but had a black look to it i could not make out the bottom, real mucky bottom. Anyway i tried my go tos and was struggling with out being able to see clearly. So what i did was grab my best fast runnin bait, first cast had a upper 40 low 50 swing and miss at boat side. While i did not get alot of time to use the bait that was working. I bet if i had another hour or so i could have nabbed a fish. It took me all day to figure it out, then its time to go home.

Ok my advise when you cant them (or see them follow) to buy the farm speed it up dont let the fish get a real good look at it. Thats what i took from my fishing day

If you were where i think you were PM me a day or two ahead of time, if you want someone to fish with. Good luck

05-03-2010, 08:58 AM
For the 3 you lost I've had problems keeping fish on on headshakes in the past. The solution i read about and have tried w/success is to put the rod tip down in the water and horse the fish down so it doesn't break surface. Headshakes are slower under the water and less likely to throw a lure.

05-15-2010, 09:04 AM
For the 3 you lost I've had problems keeping fish on on headshakes in the past. The solution i read about and have tried w/success is to put the rod tip down in the water and horse the fish down so it doesn't break surface. Headshakes are slower under the water and less likely to throw a lure.

Thanks- good advice on the headshakes- I did lose one at boatside on a headshake out of the water that day.

Greatly appreciate all the advice guys- I went back since & had my first hat trick. No giants but nice enough to get the heartrate up for sure. 2 around 30-34" & 1 around 40".

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