View Full Version : Got-Cha Question For Charlie

Larry Jones
04-30-2010, 08:47 AM
Charlie I know you catch a lot of walleyes on Got-Cha Lures.Just curious if there was any success on northern pike or muskies using them?I ordered a few in red head /white and green head / white to try for northerns & tigers at Conesus.I know I can use them for walleye on Chautauqua or Lake Erie,maybe toothy critters as well!

Red Childress
04-30-2010, 10:52 AM
I am not suppose to disclose the medical conditions of my partner due to confidentiality issues but I will make an exception this time. Charlie has a severe allergic reaction to computers. If he even gets close to the keyboard or monitor, he begins to shake and tremble uncontrollably. He has given me his 1 sentence answer to your question. ;)

He does get nice muskies on CLake jigging Gotcha's for walleye when they are hugging bottom in late-Fall or severe post-frontal conditions during summer.

04-30-2010, 11:24 AM
This all sounds like a plot to chase some ski's early to me.:)
I wondered about trolling around some rapalas that are pretty big.

NY needs to change their season. 3rd week in June to protect the fishery. I might buy that at the far reaches of upper upper upper NY. Chaut. no way.

They should do a southern/northern zone like the old shotgun/rifle season was and have an earlier season for the warmer bodies of water.

I don't feel we should have to wait that long to fish. If it would harm the fish I could see it.

The close of the season is the same way, why not until Dec. 15 at Chaut.?
The trap nets are normally pulled by end of april, first week of may at latest. They know when the fish are done.

My 2 cents!

Larry Jones
05-03-2010, 02:49 PM
My intentions were to try them on structure edges at Conesus Lake for northerns & tiger muskies in mid summer when everything drops to deeper structure.I wish they made one that was 6" to 8" long!
Charlie,cyber incoming won't take you out with a direct hit!

05-03-2010, 05:53 PM
I've talked to several guys jigging walleye in the fall that have got bitten off or landed some nice muskies....the smaller ones catch fish too.

05-04-2010, 08:33 AM
For larger stuff for jigging try the Red October Tubes and the Bondy Baits.

Red Childress
05-04-2010, 09:16 AM
Esox Cobra Jigs are nice too. They resist snagging by design.

05-04-2010, 10:26 AM
I was fishing a run of mackeral on the Hatteras Pier a few years back when a guy beside me hooked up with a tarpon on a Gotcha plug. You just never know what you'll get with the Gulf Stream that close! Definitely a site to see, tail walked about three times before breaking off. They're a pretty unique bait, I'd have to imagine a 6 or 8"er would be effective if you could get it weighted right (and not too heavy!)

05-12-2010, 10:09 PM
Hey Larry,

I can attest to the gotcha. I have one sitting in my box from when you were working the long hours and referred me over to charlie. it was a brutal cold front fall day, fish negative in mood and on bottom. he gave me the lure I caught a 40" on....yep a gotcha.

having a small lure that worked on the waldos helped to pass the time too.:D

that started my interest in jigging muskies, but I now find myself using fuzzy duzzits more, though I have yet to get one on them LOL. red october is next!