View Full Version : I hate when the weatherman lies!

The Bait Shop Guy
04-29-2010, 07:31 AM
Took my friend Bruce out perch fishing Wednesday afternoon. Reports on all the weather sites right up until we left were south wind 5 to 10 MPH. NOT! Even when it did die off a little at the end of the day,I don't think it dropped below 10. The trip up to Days River from Kipling wasn't too bad, but it was a real bugger holding an anchor and fishing perch rigs in those waves! We finally started catching good numbers the last hour and a half of light. Wigglers were working good for numbers, but not for size. Worms were the ticket for keepers. We ended the evening keeping 23, with 7 being 10 inches or better. All of the keepers were caught on leaf worms. Never had a bump on minnows. Guess you have to bring it all with you, and let the fish decide what they want.

Here's a couple pics of our bigger fish and Bruce with his two big ones, (he makes jumbo perch look small :D )

04-29-2010, 08:49 AM
I really think anyone off the street could do just as well at predicting the weather and the wind! Needless to say, You didn't see me out there in my dingy perch jerkin. I did drive down to Kipling twice yesterday with good intentions of going , as my view of the bay and escanaba looked pretty good.
From the narrows to Rapid it had time to build and no way in hell was I going out there in a 10.5 ft. inflatable .
Nice catch in lousy conditions Chris. Slammer!!!!!

schmutzomatic 5000
04-29-2010, 06:09 PM
Hey Chris,
After baggin ya at the landing about water in the boat I looked in my dry minnow bucket that I had crawlers in. Guess what..... almost thee inches of water in it...lol The old back and knee's are feelin it today..
The strong fish....the rest watch it on t.v.
nice fish.....

The Bait Shop Guy
04-29-2010, 06:29 PM
Yeah, we took a few over the bow, and that was with the extra ballast (Bruce,) sitting back by me instead of up on the front deck!:D

Anyway, where's all the rain they were calling for today?