View Full Version : Where is Frank Walsh Contest

04-21-2010, 02:23 PM
As we know Frank is on a secret vacation. This warrants a contest. Here it Is!


Prize: One 2010 operation musky tee shirt donated by me.
Rules: Make your guess on this posting and the closest by miles wins.
You must have no inside info on where he is.
Upon his return and verification of where he was and that you had no
info you will win.
I will figure out how to get you the shirt at that point, hopefully you
can pick it up at Bay Store.
Clues: He is gone for about a week.
Southerly travel and sand beaches are invovled.
He was at Menards and fleet looking for something.

04-21-2010, 02:24 PM
As I have no clue of where he is I will make a guess.

South Padre Island, Texas

Frank Walsh
04-21-2010, 03:40 PM
I'll give you another hint.

There are a lot of dark skinned people here.

04-21-2010, 03:56 PM
I will guess the island of Haiti.

04-21-2010, 04:02 PM
Define "inside info".

I'm going to guess...
Paradise Island, Bahamas.


04-21-2010, 04:37 PM
I'm torn between 2 spots.Little Oak Island or the sandy beaches of Lake Michigan somewhere near Milwaukee.Need to ponder this a bit.

04-21-2010, 05:44 PM
I think he is back here in Chicago, if your down here Frank call us there is sand on North Ave. beach.

Frank Walsh
04-21-2010, 06:10 PM
There are camels near by as well.

04-21-2010, 06:20 PM
Well unless he's talking cigarettes,the camel thing takes out Little Oak island so guess I'll go with Lake Michigan and the 'zoo' that it is.

04-21-2010, 07:04 PM
Well I'm normally not one for conspiracy theories and all but I've also learned to never underestimate Frankie.My antennae are throbbing with suspicion now and the stars are starting to align themselves on this mystery location of his.I may have to move my guess east from Lake Michigan.
Let me ask you this,does anyone know if there's sand in Pittsburgh?(other than what a certain Q back has been shoveling lately-more on him in a minute)
I ask cause think back to the clues Frankie has been throwing out lately:ankle length shoes;talk of the Lakemaster chip 'moving east';dark skinned people;camels;and last but not least-finding and selling rods/reels and spending the proceeds on what???Yes,'wine,women and song'!!!!
No sir,even a normal guy like me can start to see the clear possibilities he's in PITTSBURGH!!!!Yes Pittsburgh.
Ankle length boots?=Clearly football spikes!
dark skinned people?=well look at the Steelers....
camels?=well add 'toes' and .....
wine,women,song?=Ha,ask Roelthlisberger!(see 'toes' above as well)
Nope its Pittsburgh I think and the only issue is,is Little Frankie there partying with Big Ben-or is he there for the 'draft' tomorrow to replace him?
So,my guess is now PITTSBURGH.I take a large size T-shirt please.

Frank Walsh
04-21-2010, 07:59 PM
Not to mention sleeping with two women.............

And the shopping.......................................... ...

04-21-2010, 11:36 PM
Inside info would be if you heard from Frank or friends about this secret vacation and the where abouts.

He could be anywhere because if he was at Menards and fleet he would have to at least make it to Grand Forks or Fargo or the Cities. So he could have jumped a airplane from there. He probably is in country because he is reading this pretty quickly although at Beaches resort in Jamica they probably have internet. Your pretty sly there Frankie. You never really said if Scarlet was with you, I,m assuming she is. She is probably stuck in a Hotel room while your fishing Cave Run.

Muskie Junkie
04-22-2010, 07:20 AM
Well, all this awesome investigative work has got me thinking I just do not have a clue. I am going to guess Jamaica, unless that is what you are saying Ryan. DP's analysis is very in depth though. He may be on to something.


04-22-2010, 07:20 AM
Got him!I knew it was Pittsburgh!I knew he felt 'penned in' and wanted to break free and express himself a bit.Well seeing is believing and boy is he expressing himself.Note the tight pants BUT the ever present Muck boots.
Look fast,he appears in the box at the top left.
First he's the guy on the far left in the 'Three Musketeeers',but then stay on alert cause he shows up again as the 'NutCracker'.
Nailed ya Frankie,nailed ya.
Gar,size large please.

Illinois Dennis
04-22-2010, 07:38 AM
Dick, you are on your game for sure.

With what we know so far, I think he's driving or why make a supply run when you would have to ship it all back? I know, he could leave it all in the truck and park it at the airport.... but I don't think that's Frank's style. Nope, he's driving. I think he hinted that he picked up his good ole friend Bret, now living in northern FIBland. From there, it is a short ride to Lake Michigan, and yes... there is sandy beaches. Frank used to fish the big pond years ago, so that is a possibility. Lake is still ice cold, and think only brown trout would be active. So, don't think that's enough of a draw, but downtown Chicago for night life surely would fit the bill on all the other clues, probably even camels (at least toes) walking the streets.

But I think that's all part of the diversion. Frank, vacation on a warm beach out of the country? No way; that's not Frank..... can't see him and Bret on the beach sippin drinks smelling of coconut and swirling the little umbrellas. Those boots would look pretty silly there.

I think da boys did head south, and are out of the state by now..... driving.

You put 2 + 2, add the variable 3, multiple by the the common interest factor of 3, divide by the weather factor of 2, cipher in the cost factor of .15, add intangibles for food, drink, low cost women, I think you have your answer.

CAVE RUN LAKE and a muskie trip.

He's been warming up off the docks, kind of a spring training. That should have givin it away to all.

04-22-2010, 08:00 AM
I'm with ya on the driving thing.I agree L Michigan was a possibility.I agree on what you think the true purpose of the trip is,but after getting 'tips' from Pittsburgh and then SEEING him in the ballet pics I've got to stick with that.
Sure he's got disguises on and sure the WHITE boots in the Musketeer pic could throw you but look closely at the boots in the NUTCRACKER pic-you can even see the Camo pattern and with a magnifying glass can see Scarletts chew marks on the heels.Nope he's in Pittsburgh.

Frank Walsh
04-22-2010, 08:02 AM

Now for the biggie. Heading for Wal-mart in a few.

Bret is not with me. I just stopped by his hunt club on the way down. He is actually heading to Branson today, but nothing to do with me.

Scarlett says, "hey".

04-22-2010, 08:12 AM
Too secretive somethings up. Is he finally getting that sex change? Is he sitting in the south shore of Oak not wanting to get bothered? Will he tell us if we hit it? How about NEW ORLEANS AND A LITTLE RED FISHING AND BOURBON STREET.

If your only gone for a week and your in a Walmart your probably not to far away. I was going to say BRANSON you wouldn't have given us a sly tip would you? Ain't much for beaches unless your sitting at TABLE ROCK LAKE.

04-22-2010, 08:32 AM
I get no respect!You know I've nailed him peep's,now give me credit.Don't be sidelined by his posts,its Pittsburgh!!!!!!
Branson?Branson?Don't be misled by him!Think Politics-is Branson his politics?Hardly.And if you doubt it,or doubt me,I've run his credit card purchases recently and I know of a recent ticket purchase and I'll have a pic of him attending something tomorrow night in Pittsburgh that jives with his politics completely.Wait and see-he'll be at the 'Mattress Factory' in Pittsburgh tomorrow nite!

Illinois Dennis
04-22-2010, 08:33 AM
That first report was to try and smoke him out a bit; not a true guess since someone else already guessed Cave. It seems to have worked.

His latest piece of a clue (if you can call it that) eliminates one of my reel guesses.... his contacts with OM loading up him and Bret's boat on a transport and heading to the jungles for Peacock Bass.

Since he also isn't with Bret, he's probably not headed to my second guess, Lake Amistad on the Texas Mexico boarder for huge large mouth bass fishing (who would provide cover fire while you were fishing?).

He's also running out of time, so don't think he's headed south any longer. Get the map out and make a 400 mile radius around R.H.C., and start thinkin about the most probably locations.

Sounds like he's really on just a big ole shopping trip to me, left the big pole at home.

04-22-2010, 08:54 AM
Fon Du Lac WI.... looking at all the pretty Opti's. And from there, Green Bay, to visit the Holy Land. :)

04-22-2010, 09:48 AM
I think he's in Georgia, via Arkansas and Illinois. You know,,, visiting the former governmental homes of his favotive presidents.

04-22-2010, 11:06 AM
I've been searching for "Waldo" prior to this posting and he confirmed a good guess when I suggested IL near the sandy shores of Lake Michigan so I go with Chicago. The two women are Laura and Scarlett. He should be resting and not reading all of these postings. I can pick up by t-shirt in June!
Mrs. Rasputin

04-22-2010, 11:10 AM
Seems like a fair contest as it seems no one has a clue. Frank will be allowed to pick the winner after reading all these posts he will know who is the closest. Your right its sounds like my nightmare vacation! SHOPPING YUCHHH!
Probablt at the Mall of America.

Illinois Dennis
04-22-2010, 11:50 AM
OK, I printed all of Frank’s clues out, and taped them to the wall. Got the marker out and started circling the real clues and eliminated the smoke; here’s what I came up with….

Deciphering Frank’s clues:

Available Women = Orphanage

Wine = Catholic Orphanage

Sandy beaches = sand box (very young women)

Money or expense = Catholic Orphanage- pass the basket

Trips to Wal- Mart = toys for the kids

Visit to Bret = Seed some bail money, just incase

Camels= smokes for the orphan teens or trips to the zoo for the young ones

I don’t know how you can come up with anything but…. Franks on a humanitarian mission.

One report that we may have all overlooked: 14 inch crappies are biting in MN. He might be delusional and actually on the reservation; Bret didn’t want to go this time and headed south- so he couldn’t be called to bail Frank out.

You have to know, something smells fishy here.

I think there is a lot of merit to the other post that Laura and Scarlet are the other two women. 2 women = lots of shopping

Tim Kelly
04-22-2010, 02:05 PM
Turns out he's in Nantucket! Laura must have taken the holiday snap?


04-22-2010, 02:22 PM
Kenosha, WI

04-22-2010, 03:29 PM
No doubt he was in the Kenosha,Milwaukee,sandy beach western L Michigan area on the way to Pittsburgh but I'll have a pic of him at the 'Sister Spit' Show after tomorrow nite-although one of the trangender Slam Poet cast members of that Show apparently has been saying he's on the Gulf Coast making Wrangler Jean and Muck Boot commercials with Brett Farve,one of his NFL idols.Who knows for sure anymore?Frankie gets around.:(

04-22-2010, 05:34 PM
Isn't Nantucket very close to Martha's Vineyard? That is where the President likes to go on vacation. Maybe Frank got some insider information and wants introduce himself and say "Uff da, make me a Czar and I will help you straighten out the country". Tim, you might be on something there.

Frank Walsh
04-22-2010, 06:07 PM
All I can say is as I was driving my truck around the area today, everyone I encountered thought I was in the landscaping business. Even noticed a guy with a backpack blower that looked very much like Ken Cress.

04-23-2010, 08:41 AM
You guys are awesome, great contest. Maybe Dennis has it figured, he has put a lot thought into it. Of course we cannot forget the mighty determined Dick Pearson and his Pittsburgh theory. However he seems to be doughting himself. Several other guesses are in the running but only Frank can ease our pain by informing us of his secret location. I wonder when he will be back on the island to do that? The two women thing i,m guessing is relatives so the Chicago area is a good guess. Although I think I saw Scarlet in Roseau yesterday so he could have a secret harem somewhere. Wherever he is i will be delighted to get a tee shirt to whoever can figure this mystery out! Did anyone mention the LAKE OF THE WOODS COUNTY JAIL?

Frank Walsh
04-23-2010, 12:07 PM
This is my last day here. Heading out in the morning to a new location for few days.

Planning on getting home Monday. After stopping for my work permit.

04-23-2010, 01:18 PM
Say hi to the Spit Sisters tonight.

Illinois Dennis
04-23-2010, 01:55 PM
My guess, he's in Wisc today; tomorrow....MN.

To pin down the exact location better than that for the t shirt, you's need Frank's ole crystal ball parlor trick.

Frank Walsh
04-23-2010, 02:52 PM
Here's a hint. What I learned today is that it is much easier to climb sand dunes when you are 39 years old than 57.

Scarlett learned that it is much easier to run down them, than it is to stop when doing so.

And of course, the old make it up as you go poem suggested by Timmy boy.
I'll start it off:

I knew a girl from Nantucket,


04-23-2010, 07:12 PM
...well where ever you are, you're sure missing some terrible weather. 70's, sunny every day with nary a drop of wind. We're sure having it tough up here at LOW. Thinking of you Frank.

Illinois Dennis
04-23-2010, 08:41 PM
If you are still having trouble keeping track......

Illinois Dennis
04-24-2010, 06:44 AM
I wasn't going to stay up last night to see were Franks Follies was going.

Well, someone on this board looks to have an inside track...........

Frank Walsh
04-24-2010, 08:10 AM
The blue line definitely goes through where I am right now, but not where I'm heading today. Out of here as soon as I get Scarlett in the truck.

Weather a nicer version of up north here, although rain in the forecast for today. I'll wave at Dennis as we go by later today!

No takers on the poem?????

Illinois Dennis
04-24-2010, 05:54 PM
Day _?_
Frank is certainly moving out today, covering a lot of ground. Guess he has a stop to take care of some outstanding wa... well lets just say some unfinished business to attend to.

04-25-2010, 08:34 AM
Well he's on the way home but yesterday he stopped in Green Bay to get some Brett Farve memorabilia and decided to drop his boat in the Bay for a few hours.
Got this one on a 'Pearson Metamaterials' in 175 ft of water just off the peninsula.(Deaths Door)
Not bad and at that depth it proves total refraction is the key.He'll be getting a ticker tape parade in Warroad tomorrow.
Way to go Frankie,welcome home!

Frank Walsh
04-25-2010, 08:57 AM
Funny how a skinny person makes the fish look fatter. Kind of like the old trick of choosing ugly bridesmaids.

Sitting here in not so sunny Minnesota. Where's the beautiful weather Wendy was teasing me with????

Back to the ranch tomorrow.

Illinois Dennis
04-25-2010, 10:11 AM
Reports of fishing in Green Bay; clues that I'm in MN, rumors that he's heading to Kenora to the fry shack and more..................shopping.

Will be interesting when the truth comes out.

Frank Walsh
04-25-2010, 10:31 AM
Shopping in Kenora....Are you kidding???????

They could fit the entire town of Kenora in one Wal-mart down here.

04-25-2010, 03:57 PM
Well, those sand dunes were the Indiana Dunes to be sure. Too many locations were visited to guess just one. But it's a sad day to even mention Walmart on vacation, but maybe they were sleeping in their parking lots along the way. Sure helps cut expenses so you can spend more on the fun stuff.
Mrs. Rasputin

04-26-2010, 07:25 AM
Well Frank,
It has been a interesting week. Have the birds returned to the nest? Will we ever know where you were? If we do go through the postings and see who was the closest first and lets announce the winner of the yet to be bought tee shirt. Hope you had a nice trip the popples are turning green in the islands, i found 60 degree water mostly 55 though. Looks like a wonderful fishing opener if the weather holds. A person sure has more love for the area after leaving for a spell.

04-26-2010, 07:31 AM
Funny how a skinny person makes the fish look fatter. Kind of like the old trick of choosing ugly bridesmaids.

Sitting here in not so sunny Minnesota. Where's the beautiful weather Wendy was teasing me with????

Back to the ranch tomorrow.

Must have been the cloud that came over as you came by. Still Sunny and calm in Southern LOW... Welcome home

Illinois Dennis
04-26-2010, 04:37 PM
I know everyone is checking this post frequently to find out what really happened this past week, where was Frank???

Of course, Frank still has to cross the boarder with a truck full of booty, hope that the new warrants are not posted yet, etc. etc. etc. Then once back on the island, turn the camp power back on, go round up loose boats, cast for slimes, etc. etc. etc.

Probably will be a few days before we hear from Frank, assuming everything is going well.

Frank Walsh
04-26-2010, 04:53 PM
Homo.....sweet homo. Got in around noon.

I have to put my vote in for Bill Hansen with the Indiana Dunes. We spent the most time in Michigan City, with Pequot Lake going and coming.

Now for a well deserved nap after unloading the truck, and loading and unloading the boat. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzz

04-26-2010, 05:41 PM
"Homo... sweet homo."
Said like a true Slam Poet,Shape Shifter,Spit Sister devotee.
I rest my case for Pittsburgh.:(

04-26-2010, 06:21 PM
Wait Frank... Bill Hansen? What about me? Who made the guesses? Who played the game? I confess after the dune clue, I asked him if there were sand dunes near Chicago and he said yes, then suddenly in the book he was reading it talked about the Indiana Dunes so I quick narrowed down MY guess.
But glad to have you back on the Lake so we know it's in good hands.
MRS. Rasputin aka Cindy

Illinois Dennis
04-26-2010, 06:54 PM
Well you know, I really couldn't narrow my choices down to a vote, so I'm out of the running. Unless more proof comes forward rather quickly (hard proof), Prof. Plum is probably not in first place either.

My vote (not that I have one) goes to Mz Rasputin, if she tells us how she got that nick name.

04-26-2010, 08:46 PM
Rasputin is the "log in name" that my husband chose because...heaven only knows. Not having come up with a clever or not so clever name of my own I just commandeered his name and password to enter the contest. I spend more time on the website than he does anyway. He's always at Cabela's buying lures.
Mrs. R

04-26-2010, 11:32 PM
Well I guess the man has spoken. Congradulations Bill Hansen, the winner of a 2010 operation muskie tee shirt. Now what size do you need and can you pick it up at Franks? Frank can i buy a one from you or do I have to order it?

Great Contest thanks for the participation.

04-27-2010, 09:45 AM

I've got a small stash of XL OM t-shirts I'll forward to you. Any other size will need to be ordered.


04-27-2010, 11:08 AM
Where do i go to order them? Is there a website? I looked at operation muskie but couldn't see anything. I will need to order a couple for sure.

Frank Walsh
04-27-2010, 12:37 PM
According to the Empress, he needs 2XL. I happen to have a leftover 2009 (new) shirt here, if that's acceptable. Otherwise, looks like an order job.

04-27-2010, 01:26 PM
If they want to order new OM gear you can do so through me. T-Shirts, Hat's & Towels are $20 and Hoodie's are $35.
Shipping runs $7.50 per order regardless of quantity (with in reason of course). Checks should be made out to Operation Muskie and they could take 3-4 weeks.
Please email me with questions at adobejimbest@aol.com and I'll get you my address etc.

04-27-2010, 07:54 PM
Yes, I do like that title!

Don't know what the 2009 model looked like, but I'm sure it would do just fine. It was nice of me to enter the contest for him so he should be most happy to have any prize at all. He can pick it up in June! Then he can wear it the rest of the summer on trips to Cabela's, Bass Pro, Scheels, and Dick's; and then back to LOTW in Sept. and Oct.
The Empress

04-27-2010, 11:44 PM
Sounds good Frank. Save the 2009 tee shirt for Bill and I will settle up with you when i get out there for coffee. Let me know when the pot is hot.

04-28-2010, 05:57 AM
Show me a good loser and I'll show you a loser!
Can't take it anymore,I'm heading up there right now to get too the truth.
I know he was in Pittsburgh and I'm sure I'll find substantial evidence including assorted trinkets obtained from the Zinesters,Slam Poets,Shape Shifters and Fancy Scribblers that make up the Sisters Spit-not to mention Roethlisberger Jerseys and other assorted memorabilia from the Steelers.
Be there in 6 hours Frankie!:mad:

Frank Walsh
04-28-2010, 06:04 AM
I'll be turning on your heat in a few minutes. Question is whether it will take a match to get it going.

Gar............... Any time. And as a special note, we get to talk Polaris. You won't believe what I did.

I would never go to Pittsburgh. Way to many relatives I no longer talk to, and not to many good memories.

Cindy, keep an eye on the mail.

Frank Walsh
04-28-2010, 06:10 AM
And Cindy,

You need to post a picture of Rasputin in his new digs.......

04-28-2010, 05:47 PM
Maybe if we're lucky we can have him pose by his new boat. (When it arrives) I sure do spoil him. Can he wear his favorite fishing hat too!!

04-28-2010, 11:44 PM
Maybe if we're lucky we can have him pose by his new boat. (When it arrives) I sure do spoil him. Can he wear his favorite fishing hat too!!


Frank Walsh
04-29-2010, 06:51 AM
We all have to have models to look up to. You just have a stranger one than most!!! Pays to have a wife with better deductive reasoning than Sherlock Holmes.

Can't wait to see a picture of the new ride.

05-22-2010, 10:29 PM
I like my new shirt, but I'm even happier with my new boat!
I can't figure out how to get pictures into the thread so I'll send them to Frank to post. Frank really likes my sombrero!!

Frank Walsh
05-23-2010, 10:47 AM
Looks great. And the boat as well. Congratulations on both achievements.

05-23-2010, 09:11 PM
Good job on the shirt Frank. I will be out one of these days to pay you for it and get a cup of coffee. Caught two small Muskies bass fishing this weekend. Found 71 degree water and should be a great opener for muskies as it was for walleyes.
Congrats to the contest winner and nice boat.

05-24-2010, 11:07 AM
Many of us worry about Frank including me.Working,guiding,walking Scarlett,whatever,it seems he's always in the sun.While I know he wants to be cool,he needs a hat like yours for sun protection instead.(not that yours isn't cool.)Just a thought for Xmas or...