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View Full Version : How much mono backing/braid?

04-19-2010, 09:06 PM
I just purchased a cardiff 400. I will be putting mono backing on it first. Just wondering how much 80# power pro I should put on it. Should I put on a full 150 yrd. spool or buy a 300 yrd spool and put 100 yrds on each of my reels?
Any input is appreciated.

04-19-2010, 11:10 PM
I just purchased a cardiff 400. I will be putting mono backing on it first. Just wondering how much 80# power pro I should put on it. Should I put on a full 150 yrd. spool or buy a 300 yrd spool and put 100 yrds on each of my reels?
Any input is appreciated.

Power Pro lost me my 1st and only 50"er to date... Wouldnt ever put it on another rod until I die for that reason! hah... might be biased now... but regardless.. I always use backing, or your reels drag may slip and not work correctly... I am not a "troller" but have been told, more backing = trolling, and less backing = casting... just my 2 cents..

04-20-2010, 08:09 AM
75 yards. That's more than enough. I've made a 150 yd spool last for 2 seasons by turning the worn out section around. It's a hassle, but if you don't turn it around you're just wasting perfectly good line. Don't waste your money on backer. It's too expensive. Get some mono that's at least 14 lb test. You're never going to get spooled when casting. I don't do a lot of trolling. If you troll a lot you may want to put more on. Someone else will have to answer that question.

Ty Sennett
04-20-2010, 09:07 AM
Catchandrelease was right on. That's the best way to go about it. don't bother buying expensive backing because you will never need to use it's strength or durability. All you are using it for is holding to the spool. Somewhere around 20 pound is fine.

I actually don't use any backing on any of my reels. I just put a piece of electric tape down on the spool before putting line on and that will stop the line from slipping. You will use a little more line on some of your larger reels but you can reverse the line every year or halfway through the season to get more use out of the line. It's a lot less tinkering too.

04-20-2010, 01:24 PM
Thanks for the replies, I'm glad I asked. Thats gonna save me some dough.

04-20-2010, 01:30 PM
Yeah. I'm thankful I found about this a couple years ago when I first getting into using musky fishing. I've made a 150 yd spool last 2 years! Before hearing the tip I was going to pay the money for a 300 yd spool and use majority of it and throw the remainder away. Doing this saves a lot of money!