View Full Version : CANADA clearance

03-31-2010, 09:38 AM
Hey guys,

I think this might have been asked before in this forum, but i couldnt find it in the archives.

I have a cousin who wants to come fishing with our group up to Canada this June, but he has a DUI on his record from 4 years ago. At the sports show in MSP last weekend i guess he approached a Canada Border Patrol guy and was told "you aint fishing this year"--and was treated pretty poorly. He then talked to the resort that we are going to, and was told that there is a "50/50 chance" he makes it through no problem. This is a 5/6 hour drive and i am not sure that it is worth the risk. Do any of you guys have any more information, ideas? i feel like i know some people who are a little rough around the edges and probably dont have the cleanest records that fish north of the border almost every year...

Thanks a lot.

03-31-2010, 10:46 AM
Bring your passports and drivers license/state id's and cross at night and hope the border patrol guard is having a good day...

Prolly drive separate cars a few miles before you get to the border so he can drive home...

It's a crap shoot...good luck

Cold Front
03-31-2010, 10:06 PM
It took me 9 hours at the border one time and a whole lotta talking and $120.00 but I got in. Every other time I've gotten across with no problem. I haven't been up for four years so whether or not it has gotten worse I don't know. I gotta believe with the down economy that they've relaxed a little, thier tourism from the US is still way down. I know you can get ahold of the consloate office and get an official waiver from the Canadien Government for a one time fee of about $150.00 that will get you in forever, it takes 4 or 5 months to get all the paperwork sorted out though.

04-01-2010, 06:11 AM
I have a phone # to call best to phone Canadian Immigration. There are to many factors that
weight in on getting approval to cross the CA border with a DWI. The phone #
is : 1-800-852-3968. They best can answer your questions.

Ty Sennett
04-01-2010, 10:12 AM
Thanks muskie921. That sounds like the best option. I've got a few friends that could use that number.

04-02-2010, 12:00 AM
I am one of those "rough around the edges" guys. When I was 17-18 I got into some trouble with the Law. I got caught up with the wrong crowd and made some poor choices. When I was 17, 4 "friends" and myself decided it would be fun to break into the local golf course pro shop. We stole candy bars, chips, golf balls and like $40 in cash. I got into trouble a couple times shortly thereafter and the prosecutor decided I was a bad seed and stuck me with the Felony. The other 4 got misdemeanors.

It has haunted me ever since. That was 15 years ago, I am 33 years old now.

A few years ago my Dad setup a week long trip to Totem Lodge in Canada for my 2 brothers, my Dad, a few of his buddies and me. We were so excited.

We drove up to International Falls, missed the entrance on accident and tried to enter at the Baudette crossing. They took all four of our IDs. After 20 or so minutes, they asked which one of you is Ryan. Knew that wasn't good. I was told I could not enter. Shocked and devastated, we quickly contemplated all options. Fish Minnesota, try again to go thru Int. Falls, or I bail and they carry on. I sucked it up, rented a car in International Falls, and drove back by myself thru the night to Madison. Suckiest day night of my life. My brothers and dad went on and of course had the trip of their lives fishing with the lures I picked out! Forgot to add that once we parted ways in Int. Falls, my brothers and Dad zipped right thru that Int. Falls crossing. The immigration officer did not even bat an eye! I spent my days off next to my apartment pool sulking. My brothers had a guide for the week that was included in the Lodge package and guess what his name was, Ryan!

A couple years ago I applied thru Canadian Immigration for a CanPass to cross over and do some walleye fishing in Saginacka(sp). I received a letter a couple weeks later saying I was denied.

My 2 brothers and I after getting a boat want to take on LOTW on our own this summer. At the beginning of the year I filled out the proper paperwork and submitted to Canadian immigration. A month ago I got a letter back saying I had not properly filled out the application and needed a more detailed explanation of the circumstances 15 years ago when I was getting into trouble. I resent all corrected paperwork a week ago, and now will wait for the decision.

Just thought I would share my story, as maybe it will help someone else fulfill a dream. We all make mistakes, hard to think trouble I got into as a minor would disallow me from satiating my fishing passion in canadian waters.

I have my fingers crossed! Wish me luck!! Ryan

If it were me, I would see what I could do to increase my odds of crossing rather than throwing my hopes into the hands of the Immigration Officer at the border who may have woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Mark Benson
04-02-2010, 02:16 PM

Well Stated and thanks for that gut spilling tale!!! I had a couple of OWI's from the early .'80's when I went 3 & 4 years ago. The first year was trying even though my incidences were 20-some years old!!! I worked on trying to do the proper thing as you are doing now, but found out that paperwork would take up to 6 months to get through the Canadians. I didn't have that much time. More hand wringing... I had a passport, got as much of the paperwork that I could from those two events and crossed my fingers even though both had been off my record (supposedly) for a long time. Something about not trusting government... I would love to go back, but our lodge's all inclusive trip on Lac Suel is up over $2000 for 4 day 5 night guided 'eye trip. Trust me its not too expensive, I just can't afford it right now.

I would love to get up to LOTW, Eagle, Crow or Lac Suel to musky fish some time as I have friends here who have been on trips to Lac Suel and caught up to 56" fish!!!

To anyone who is concerned about getting across the border, remember there are trips here in the U.S. that easily as good or better than those to Canada. You just need to keep the proper perspective at hand. If ya can't go to Canada, head to the Chip and spend the money on Ty, as you know, he'll show a good time here in the good ol US of A!!!!!!!!!!


Ty Sennett
04-05-2010, 07:13 PM
Thanks Mark. Appreciate it. We may be having some trouble this year with a friend making it across the border. We're waiting for the paperwork. Hope he gets through.

Mark Benson
04-06-2010, 12:45 PM

How long ago was his incident??? Length of time since the occurrence does help, but off the top of my head I don't remember what that time frame is...


04-06-2010, 11:25 PM
you can call the border patrol and ask for rehabiltation paperwork it might take some time to get it all worked out but that is the only way that I know of to be sure that you get in.

we go 2-3 times a year to a fly in and have only been "checked" once. 4 hours later they were pulling stuff up that I don't even remember doing!!! 15-18 years ago. After it was all said and done I had to pay $200 to become a temp. citizen of Canada for the week. I did get a resident fishing license that year though! :)
If you do get stopped at Int. falls I would go over to baudette and try there. chances are you will get in at one of them. It also seems to help to go through at 2 or 3 in the morning as the office isn't full of people and the guards are usually tired!!
my 2 cents!

Ty Sennett
04-07-2010, 08:48 AM
Mark, we are still working out the details. Actually, this thread will help him out. Lots of info.

Cold Front
04-07-2010, 10:30 AM
The 2 a.m. thing works but only most of the time. I got there at 3 a.m. and had to wait until the boss got there at nine and then had to wait 2.5 more hours til I could meet with him. I told him my story and they made me a temp citizen for the week, he told me NOT to come back without doing the rehab paperwork. I do know some guys that went from crossing to crossing trying to get in eventually he was charged with a substantial crime and arrested, got to stay in Canada for about a month, not exactly the vacation he had planned. Once you've been denied trying to get in somewhere else is the equivalent of a felony up there, might be a much better idea to keep doing the paperwork until they allow you in on their terms.

Mark Benson
04-07-2010, 01:03 PM

Here is some stuff that was discussed on In-Depth Outdoors Canada section:

I read this in Feb when it was posted and know there might be some helpful stuff. I have some other stuff on the other computer, I can check to see if I can get it on.

And another one:

Another one:

Another one:

Another one:

These are all dated, but could provide info that might help...


04-07-2010, 09:46 PM
I did not know that it was a crime to go to a different crossing...
Great info thanks for the heads up!
the problem I had was that they could see the charges but couldn't see the verdict. I had to call Madison, WI and get the charge off my record.

04-13-2010, 08:10 PM
I believe that there is a woman by the name of Lucy Perillo whose job is filing all of the necessary paperwork for you. I met her at an all-canada show a couple years back. Had a conversation with her about the brother-in-law getting in with us, and his DUI was 10 yrs ago. She said we would not have a problem getting in if it was over ten yrs ago. She was correct. I believe she said there is nothing she can do for you if the DUI was within the last five years, but she can help get you in if it was 5-10 yrs ago. Google her and call her if you don't feel like doing all the crap yourself.

Mark Benson
05-12-2010, 10:19 AM
found another Canadian outpost response... the first part is about getting hunting guns into the country, but numbers 2, 3, & 4 are important facts to know. This response was written to Chris Granrud, a Rainy Lake guide, who is going to the Lake Nipigon area for a bear hunt fishing trip.

Hi Chris –

Something that is so unfortunate and prevents people from coming to Canada is all the MISINFORMATION that is out there regarding border crossings. Glad you asked, because it gives me an opportunity to clear the air and let people make decisions based on fact and not rumors or fiction…

1) Getting a gun in to Ontario is not a challenge at all! You simply fill out a straightforward registration form in the comfort of your home (don’t sign it until you get to the border), declare the gun at the border and pay a quick $25 fee for up to 4 guns. That’s it. Most guys that come here say the border guys didn’t even ask to see their firearm.

Here is the link for more information for coming to Canada with a gun: Firearms Info

Here is the link for the firearm registration form. You can print it from your PC, fill it out and bring it with you when crossing the border (don’t sign it until you arrive at the border)
Firearms Form

2) Regarding DWI’s & DUI’s. They will not prevent you from getting into Canada! There is way too much information to cover here so I will just give you the quick info. The best way to look at DWI/DUI convictions is using 3 windows.
a. Window #1 (0 to 5 Years) not likely to get in
b. Window #2 (6 to 10 Years) pay a fee and you’re in
c. Window #3 (10 years or older) – you are considered “rehabilitated” and are allowed in

3) Passports – You do not need a passport to come to Canada from the US. You are required to have a passport to regain entry to the US, however I haven’t found a border patrol agent yet that is willing to hold a US citizen in Canada because they “lost” or “forgot” their passport. Further, you do not need a full passport to travel by auto. You have the option of using a passcard which carries the same credentials for about ½ the cost.

Oh – and you can get a passport now in less than a month. The backlog on passports has been flushed out and they are firing them out like candy

4) New Ontario Boating Regulations – The new regs DO NOT apply to non residents. Simple as that!

Chris – every once in a while we hear a horror story about somebody trying to cross the border. Just like anything else, there are some bad experiences out there but the LARGE majority cross the border without any hassles. If I have 200 or so groups that come to Pasha Lake Cabins every year, I may hear about one border aggravation and usually it’s pretty minor.

It's kind of a sad and frustrating thing when I hear people say they won’t come to Canada because of the hassle of crossing the border, when in reality, it isn’t a hassle at all.

Jumping off the band wagon now!!! Can’t wait to see your face when it’s pitch black out, your heart is pumping 900 miles an hour and you’ve just piled your bear of a life time!

Chad –

PS – If anyone has questions regarding the border or getting into Canada for that matter, I don’t care if you staying with us or not, give us a call. We can give you facts and help you out in the process. 866 333 5943

Chad @ Pasha Lake Cabins
Named one of North America's Top 25 Fishing Destinations!

"Walleye Dream Trip" - ask about how you can experience
the best walleye fishing on the planet!

06-23-2010, 10:49 PM
Ty and Mark especially, and others who posted.

Guess who got the golden ticket in the mail today?!

I finally received my approval letter in the mail from the Canadian immigration office. 6 months after submitting the application and a couple additional requests from the office along the way I got the letter.

It feels really good. I was completely honest and upfront the entire time. Twice they asked me for more info/documention/explanation of the events in question.

The fee was $200. The letter stated I was approved, told me not to lose the letter, attached was an invoice and receipt for my credit card.

Guess who will be fishing LOTW Labor Day week with his 2 brothers? I will. Thanks for the well wishes. It all works out in the end.

I may post a new forum for LOTW location suggestions soon, but will let this soak in for a couple days.

Mark Benson
06-25-2010, 05:11 PM
Congrats Ryan!!! It felt good after I was in the first time and wasn't so worried the second time. I am glad to hear your outstanding news, now get ready to go!!! I just got back from Leech Lake. It was a blast for a first time trip and look forward to doing it again.
