View Full Version : Time for the fish to get moving.

Red Childress
03-31-2010, 09:31 AM
After months of waiting, 70 degree temps will finally arrive this weekend. This will hopefully get the muskies thinking about making babies soon.

Good luck to everyone and Happy Easter!

03-31-2010, 10:11 AM
Thats what I'm hopin for sure. Not sure where I'm gonna end up yet, but I'm takin Friday off to whip the water into a froth somewhere. I hear that Curwensville Lake is closed due to them needing to clean up flood debris. Does anyone know anything about that??

You know whats been interesting with throwin flies is that I don't end up getting as many follows. It seems these fish either want to inhale it or don't want anything to do with it, not much in between. I'm curious to see if this pattern continues. This is actually good for now as I still can't picture being able to get a good hook set on a Musky on a figure-8 with a flyrod. But I'll figure something out. LOL

Hope everyone gets attacked by some toothy critters!!