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03-16-2010, 02:37 PM
I know this may be a little premature (that's what she said anyway), but do I see (from Flag Island web cam) open water just north of the can's???? May be time for the ice out predictions. Got me fired up anyway.

03-16-2010, 05:56 PM
I've got a dinner date on Oak at 6pm April 30th.Likely boat out in the afternoon.You and Pam are invited.

03-16-2010, 06:39 PM
I'll keep an eye on flights. You never know we may join you.

03-17-2010, 06:29 AM
mmmmmmmm....well I,m going to predict first boat in to or out of youngs bay April 21 st...

03-23-2010, 05:14 PM
We may be able to move our rendezvous up a week the way it sounds.

Illinois Dennis
03-23-2010, 07:26 PM
Lots of open water on Monday, 2.85 weeks sounds just about right.

Only problem, Frank's not ready to give it up I think......

Frank Walsh
03-23-2010, 08:37 PM
You think wrong Kimosabe.

A lot more open today. I don't think it will be long now.

03-23-2010, 09:57 PM
April 1st 11am

Frank Walsh
03-24-2010, 04:03 PM
To help calibrate the estimates. View from my balcony toward Flag & Blackbird Islands:

Tim Kelly
03-24-2010, 05:28 PM
I had the 4th April in one of the other threads. Feeling good if a little optimistic. :)

03-24-2010, 07:18 PM
April 10th

03-25-2010, 07:27 AM
Wow, felt like a cold Jan morning ride in to youngs bay this morning..2 above ...looks like its the last blast..looks to very nice next week 50"s . Think I am moving to my camper on the mainland tomorrow. This ice wont last long..

03-25-2010, 07:55 AM
Any idea what the earliest ice out on record is?

Frank Walsh
03-25-2010, 12:37 PM
The open water was still open this morning, but is skimming over right now.
The earliest we have seen, was April 8th. Don't know what the lake record is. I guess someone with time on their hands can research it.

Frank Walsh
03-25-2010, 05:08 PM
Man was the lake loud today. Was thundering the whole day. Here's today's picture of the lake from my balcony. If you look closely, you can see the open water between Oak & Flag. As well as from Flag to Minnesota Point. Just think what it would look like on a warm day.

Frank Walsh
03-26-2010, 08:09 AM

03-26-2010, 10:15 AM
Ok Frank, so how come it appears the only open water on the lake is outside your window? The rest of the lake looks frozen, most of the lakes in the central part of the state still have ice on them, granted, it is getting way soft and open around the edges? You flushing your toilet into that side of the lake, or emptying your hot tub that you share with the Swedish Bikini Team out there?

If it is current, I would think that other smaller channels would be open too.

Just thinking too much on a friday!!!

Frank Walsh
03-26-2010, 10:24 AM
First question. Was Pike Bob shortened from Piker Bob??????

Jump on the webcam, and move around. You will find it wide open between Flag and Passage, Flag and Minnesota Point, Passage and Cyclone, and the south shore of Passage to Centre. Also wide open between Oak and Birch/Squaw. And around Blaze.

That's all I need to know about. I'm done with ice. Except I just rode out a few hundred yards on the wheeler to dump some dead minnows. Sleds are put away, and going across the island via wheeler to the Post Office.

Besides, the open water is much closer to Pearson's place.


03-31-2010, 09:55 AM
Is Ruhmys whale boat floating?

Frank Walsh
03-31-2010, 09:59 AM
Tell Captain Ruhm-hab that his vessel is still floating on a bed of sea ice, but I expect it to be mobile within a week. I have a small boat sitting near Porno Point that I could run, if I had a darn motor, but will be different next year.

03-31-2010, 11:00 AM
Any use for a 40 hp Yamy jet?My old one is sitting in a dealers window on consignment.Heck you could over the ice with that!

Frank Walsh
03-31-2010, 02:31 PM
Todd Forcier is your man for that. Or maybe the intergalactic division of Blackbird Island Jet Boat Corp.

Frank Walsh
03-31-2010, 04:22 PM
Quite the progress.................

03-31-2010, 05:03 PM
Good idea!Never thought of the intergalactic division,scary as it is,will head over on the next complete 'Eclipse'.


04-01-2010, 12:39 AM
I must say that the world is worse off than I thought it to be if, and when you start posting video clips for crap like that. It also sickens me that I actually watched a few seconds of the clip before closing it. Now I have to go wash the vomit from my taste buds.

04-01-2010, 06:34 AM
Now,now Wizard,certainly you haven't forgotten the unique flavor of island inhabitants.Or perhaps you're just jealous of Frankies new dock boy.


Frank Walsh
04-01-2010, 07:36 AM
I'm confused, but here's my take:


Frank Walsh
04-01-2010, 11:50 AM
I think this explains the bobber he lent me.

Illinois Dennis
04-01-2010, 07:22 PM
Funny thing, now that I have a brand new 2003 computer (since I had to 100% wipe the hard drive to rid myself of that virus), and I have new counter measures installed, I can't view all these cool (I'm pretty sure they would be anyway) pictures in this post. I'll have to have my geek show me how to disable the iron curtain so I can see what's up....

Anytime Pearson wants to sound like me.... has to be worth tuning in for.

04-02-2010, 08:14 AM
Nothing to sweat Dennis-although maybe it wasn't a coincidence that it was unsafe to travel on the ice the day after you left.:confused:

Frank Walsh
04-05-2010, 05:18 PM
Wow. Now what a difference. Took my first boat ride yesterday. Could only get about halfway down the island to the east. And almost to Brush Island to the west. Won't be long.

04-05-2010, 06:00 PM
After looking at the Flag Island Cam I now can make a prediction. Ice out will be April 9th at 15:45. Walleye should be easy to catch Frank. Make sure you take pictures of your best fish and post them on a new thread.

04-07-2010, 06:53 AM
Status report?
Last I heard Frankie had made a run for Twin Islands and an ice flow had moved in and cut him off.Guess he was surviving on perch somewhere around 'Chucks' spot.

Frank Walsh
04-08-2010, 01:40 PM
Getting there.

In case you're interested, I'm going fishing this afternoon.

Illinois Dennis
04-08-2010, 07:45 PM
Frank, were they biting, I made multiple fish on my watch today. Sliding those bucktails off the ice edges really drives the muskie nuts.

Frank Walsh
04-09-2010, 08:39 AM
Sure no prize yet. Still limited where you can go, and especially limited in a 14 ft. tin boat with no electronics at all. And fairly strong winds blowing it around like a dried leaf.

Been fishing a few spots that have always been good at this time when you can get there in a boat, and zero. The few fish I have caught have been off a new point. But overall, not a lot of action.

However, Scarlett is eating well.