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View Full Version : One last time!?

Walleye Slayer
03-14-2010, 01:49 PM
Hey guys im looking to go out 1 last time but not sure were to go cause i havent been out for a week cause i put my truck threw the ice and have been busy with that,I hear of action south of glastone but not too sure where to go?So any info would help thanks much!Jeff

The Bait Shop Guy
03-14-2010, 04:27 PM
I just finished taking a drive around the bay, and there's NOBODY on the ice! Well, with the exception of the Escanaba harbor. Guys that I talked to that fished south of Gladstone Saturday night said it was "shaky" at best. Add a day of bright sun and temps in the 50's, and that's going to be it for the bay ice this year!

There's still a chance for some pike and an occasional stray walleye down in the harbor. They've mostly been fishing perch down there, lately. I've thought about going to the Escanaba River and pitching a jig and minnow up at the dam.

Walleye Slayer
03-14-2010, 04:57 PM
Wow That helps out much thank you for the info....What are they using in the harbor?minnows or wigglers?JEFF

03-14-2010, 08:49 PM
wax worms worked pretty well for me today perch liked them

Walleye Slayer
03-14-2010, 09:32 PM
good to here that there biting on wax worns,where were u fishing?