View Full Version : Think spring, can you guess that spot

The Tiny Fisherman
03-09-2010, 08:00 AM
I've met lots of people out on the ice this winter and the first think they ask is, "When are you going to start your spring pictures?" So, here you go friends, one of many to come!

Have a great day,

Flambeau dreamer
03-09-2010, 01:13 PM
is that the southern tip of the big island/ west side?
Great shot of the loons pre migration south "tiny".

The Tiny Fisherman
03-09-2010, 02:05 PM
Sorry, it's not the part of the Big Island. The ducks are coming north last spring and they are Scaup (some people call them blue bills).

Good try,

03-10-2010, 06:29 PM
Tiny,nice pic.Would this be on the south end of Beaver flats?

03-10-2010, 10:38 PM
Is it across from fort flambeau?

03-10-2010, 10:42 PM
oops. you said its not part of the big Island. is it around the corner from beaver flats, before you go into beaver creek?

The Tiny Fisherman
03-11-2010, 07:45 AM
Sorry guys, but that isn't it. Here is another shot that is a give away.

Have a good day,

03-11-2010, 11:13 AM
That was a good one Tiny.It looks like the high banks,or sandbanks just past the dam.

03-11-2010, 12:34 PM
Could this be the north/northeast side of the big island. The pink rock would be just out of the picture to the right and the Fourmile area is behind.

This is nothing but a wild guess, but since I heard you're giving away new St. Croix rods for each correct guess, I thought "go for it".

I also thought "that Tiny Fisherman is really a great guy"!

The Tiny Fisherman
03-11-2010, 01:38 PM
Thanks guys, but no rod for you! Not even close on either count. Here I thought that I was giving it away with the last picture.

Wish you luck in everything you do,

ff oldtimer
03-11-2010, 07:54 PM
looks like just north of baraboo and just east of the entrance

The Tiny Fisherman
03-12-2010, 07:11 AM
Hey Oldtimer, you were the only one even close. Though it was cool the big flock of ducks heading north, out on the big water. The back ground on the first shot was looking toward Crows Nest camp site. The second photo has Dollar Island in the forground.

Looks like I'll have to give a few easy ones to get things rolling.

Have a great weekend,

The Fox
03-12-2010, 08:21 AM
Would that be Smoky heading for Donners for a cold one?

03-13-2010, 02:58 PM
Looks like its in front of the Fort.Nice looking bear.maybe he's making a side trip to Donners.

The Tiny Fisherman
03-16-2010, 08:53 AM
Who said its to dangerous to tube on the flowage?

Becareful out there,

Hot Runr Guy
03-16-2010, 12:47 PM
Who said its to dangerous to tube on the flowage?

Becareful out there,

I can't tell, but does that young man have a "cold one" in the cupholder in front of him???

Don Pemble
03-16-2010, 01:09 PM
Just out from Idles Shores looking upstream into the Turtle?

03-16-2010, 01:43 PM
I agree with Don Pemble as to the location, but my main concern is for the future of the flowage. If that guy falls off the tube, the tsunami could take out the dam.

03-16-2010, 02:03 PM
Hopfully the driver wasn't cracking the whip on you.:)

The Tiny Fisherman
03-17-2010, 07:21 AM
Don P. good to see that you still know where the flowage is. How's the shoulder doing? The walleyes will have the edge this spring.

Don H. now what the heck does that mean? I'm just trying to keep the water level up.

Gus, that is one crazy driver, always into the extreme.

HRG, of corse its a "cold one", its past five (cocktail hour).

Okay, now that I've thrown you some easy ones to get you back into it.

Thanks one and all, your good friend,

03-17-2010, 04:12 PM
I don't see a spotter in that boat!!!!

03-17-2010, 08:59 PM
Hey Tiny -

Thanks again for posting the pictures. My guess on the last photo is that you are by the Mud Lake area looking north towards Baraboo.


The Tiny Fisherman
03-18-2010, 06:15 AM
Mike, your welcome, but not even close.

Bonefish, I knew someone was going to catch that one.

Now go lay by your dish,

03-18-2010, 07:53 AM
This is looking south from one of the islands that borders the Beaver Flats. I believe "Big Mama" is just out of frame on the left.

The Tiny Fisherman
03-18-2010, 09:09 AM
Sorry Don, that isn't it. Good try!

Try again,

Hot Runr Guy
03-18-2010, 09:39 AM
It's down at the south end, where only real men fear to tread,,,,,,

Don Pemble
03-18-2010, 10:17 AM
I believe Hot Runr Guy hit the spot on this one, I believe you are facing NW from the south end of Beaver Flats.

The Tiny Fisherman
03-18-2010, 10:43 AM
Now is time for something different.

Places were even Don doesn't venture,

Hot Runr Guy
03-18-2010, 10:48 AM
Holy cow, your (you're) good

Thanks. There's not much timber in the TFF that my brothers and I haven't bounced off of in the last 40 years.

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
03-18-2010, 11:58 AM
4TH of July Slough?

ff oldtimer
03-18-2010, 07:50 PM
past the dam heading to lake bastine

The Tiny Fisherman
03-22-2010, 07:26 AM
Here I though this was one everybody would have gotten this landmark. Its even on most maps.

What is it?

The Fox
03-22-2010, 07:47 AM
Is that the pink rock?

The Tiny Fisherman
03-22-2010, 10:12 AM
It takes The Fox to figure that one out.

Speaking of fox, we had one come to our bird feeders yesterday afternoon.

Pretty cool,

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
03-22-2010, 12:15 PM
The same fox was by our cabins yesterday afternoon, as well. He was eating the apples we had thrown out between FV2 and Bill's place. We tried to get a picture, but he wouldn't pose for Kathy when she went out on the deck. Sure looks like an early ice-out.


03-22-2010, 06:17 PM
Nice looking fox.Hopefully that big ole bear doesn't wake-up to hungry and swim over and get him:)

The Tiny Fisherman
03-23-2010, 07:32 AM
Looks like I'll have to keep them easy.

Have a great day,

03-23-2010, 04:35 PM
The big rock just past piney island heading to the pink rock

The Tiny Fisherman
03-24-2010, 06:26 AM
Boy Gus of the Flowage, you are on fire.

Where is this one,

03-24-2010, 09:09 AM
Below the levy near Lake Ten

The Tiny Fisherman
03-25-2010, 05:54 AM
Not even close!

If women don't find you good looking, they'll find you handy,

03-25-2010, 04:48 PM
is that on the back side of long island?

Hot Runr Guy
03-26-2010, 06:41 AM
Looking out of this bay, powerlines are just out of the picture, on the left.

The Tiny Fisherman
03-29-2010, 08:19 AM
Here I would have thought that you guys and gals would have nailed this one.

Here is a group ice fishing this last Saturday, out in front.

Just can't give in yet, think south HRG,

03-29-2010, 11:02 AM
Is that looking out the bay between the fort and cedar lodge?

The Tiny Fisherman
03-29-2010, 12:22 PM
Wow Gus, you of all people should know where the summer picutre of the log jam is. Its a shore rats paradise, with all that wood and shoreline.

Ask Mini-me where it is,

Nick Kanauz
03-29-2010, 05:19 PM
How about this...is this the jams looking out of the bay behind Mud Lake/Crow's Nest area straight south of the dam?:confused:

03-30-2010, 01:57 AM
South end of beaver flats looking west.:o

The Tiny Fisherman
03-30-2010, 06:43 AM
You had help from Mini-me, didn't you? It is the far end of the big water, behind the chain of little islands going into Beaver Creek, facing west.

Speaking of shore rats, there are two in this picture,

Musky Mauler
03-30-2010, 09:43 AM
It's down at the south end, where only real men fear to tread,,,,,,
45-50 years ago, there was a large logjam nestled up to the shoreline you've outlined in yellow. I'd guess it was 50 yards wide from the shore in some places. I used to walk the logs to find a sufficient opening between the logs. (I weighed a tad bit less back then - less chance of falling through.) I'd drop a line with a juicy crawler on the hook and more times than not at least one of the walleyes hiding in the shade of the logjam would latch on.

This was back when Al & Millie Weseman owned Al's Place (now Fort Flambeau) and Earl & Elsie Tomek had The Old Log Inn. Hooked a large snapping turtle in that logjam once. Had to fight it off with an oar all the way back. Earl Tomek shot it with that .22 pistol (no front sight) that he used from time to time to shoot a musky before boating it. (Such things were done back then.) We feasted on delicious turtle the next evening.

Back then there were so many stumps that a good "stump hook" was better than an anchor. Lotsa walleyes in the roots of the stumps, too. "Stump dunking" Gene Netzel style was a good way to pick up a limit, which was 5 walleyes in those days. That was when Musky season and Walleye season used to open on the same day. I bet Bob Fohr remembers those days.

Musky Mauler

03-30-2010, 10:48 AM
Hi Musky Mauler,

That brings back some memories. My wife and I shot pool once with Earl and Elsie until 3 or 4 in the morning. I even tended bar for him one time when he came back from guiding and wasn't feeling well. He asked me to step in and went to bed. Elsie couldn't believe I was back there. She said "nobody gets behind Earl's bar".

I also wonder how many others besides him carried guns back then when musky fishing. My dad and I were fishing near the Pink rock one night about 1960 or '61. It was almost dark when another boat on the other side of the island (we couldn't even see them it was so dark) hooked into a big musky. It ended up sounding like Wyatt Earp at the OK Corral. Those were indeed some interesting and fantastic times

I must admit, I've done some crazy things, but I never fished while standing on a log jam!

Mark Benson
03-30-2010, 12:28 PM
Boy I remember sitting at Tomek's with Earl til 3 or 4 in the a.m. drinking Leiny's in the early 80's!!! He was quite a character. We used to stay at Donner's when Lloyd and Mary were there. There were guys still fishing the jams, not many were fishing from the topside, but they were still some doing it. I have sold cane poles at Rollie and Helen's to a guy that is still dunking the jams.


03-30-2010, 07:14 PM
memories of tomecks ,donners bay,are great.the night at the bear pit or should i say the dump . and its nice to think about all them logs.im 46 now and i still come to the flowage. i was 13 the first time my fam. stayed with mary at the shady rest , now thats a memory. talk about things that keep me and my fam. coming back, times on the flowage priceless...

Nick Kanauz
03-30-2010, 11:44 PM
Mark...My brothers and I still go into the jams once or twice each visit with the canes poles and use hooks over the logs to tie into. Not much left of the jams anymore, but nostalgia lives on. We still manage to pull out a few beauties each year. The poles are old...so we are getting there. Best fishes in a little over 4 weeks!

Mark Benson
03-31-2010, 11:33 AM

It for sure will this year in 4 weeks as I would wager that one of our friends here who lives on the flowage could tell us that the flowage will have lost its ice in the next day or two... Yippeee!!!!


04-01-2010, 05:50 PM
Liked the storys.Tiny,is that the islands on the north end of beaver flats?Once a shore rat always a shore rat:D

The Tiny Fisherman
04-07-2010, 06:33 AM
Well with open water, there seems to not much point to keep you going. Here is another that is very interesting, with all the talk about log jams.

The docks, lift and boat are in the water for the year.

The water is down a good three and half feet,

Hot Runr Guy
04-07-2010, 12:44 PM
The water is down a good three and half feet,

Would somebody please stop by the dam and shut the gates for the next month? PLEASE!!!!!!!

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
04-07-2010, 05:00 PM
Would somebody please stop by the dam and shut the gates for the next month? PLEASE!!!!!!!

Hey! I live on the Flambeau River downstream from the dam! Do a rain dance instead. LOL

04-10-2010, 12:14 AM
Would that be the log jams in beaver flats?

The Tiny Fisherman
04-12-2010, 07:22 AM
But, did Mini-me have to help?

Boy was it nice on the water this last weekend.

Went to the falls Satuday night and watched the walleyes. Pretty cool...

Can't wait,

George G
04-12-2010, 09:12 AM
But, did Mini-me have to help?

Boy was it nice on the water this last weekend.

Went to the falls Satuday night and watched the walleyes. Pretty cool...

Can't wait,

Tiny, how is the spearing going. Got to be good this year with the early warm up. Curious how it might effect the posession limit on the flowage.

04-12-2010, 02:44 PM
as of 4/10/10, 48 spearers had 1346 walleyes and 3 musky from the TTF. Total is approaching 24,000

George G
04-12-2010, 03:09 PM
as of 4/10/10, 48 spearers had 1346 walleyes and 3 musky from the TTF. Total is approaching 24,000

Hi Lund 3, thank you for the reply. What does the 24,000 number refer to.

04-12-2010, 03:29 PM
total walleye harvest so far. sorry

04-12-2010, 05:05 PM
holy cow! is that a record? that is not good for the tff. they really need to put some limits for the indians spearing. if we have limits then it's only fair but it will never happen

George G
04-13-2010, 08:11 AM
total walleye harvest so far. sorry

Hi Lund3, any idea of past totals. That really seems like a lot of fish but I don't have any idea of past spearing totals. It would be interesting to see what they were. Sure hope they still allow 3 for the Turtle.

04-13-2010, 08:37 AM
Don't be alarmed. That figure is a statewide total I'm sure. The spearing total for the TFF will probably be somewhere between 2,500 and 3,500 this year.

I found it interesting at the DNR meeting last night. There are many lakes in the northern part of Wisconsin that have experienced a population explosion of bass that seems to have hurt walleye recruitment. We voted on changing the current regs regarding walleyes and bass for many of these lakes.

"Past survey information and current modeling suggest that bass were significantly less abundant under the no minimum size limit regulation in place before 1989." I'm sure bass were significantly less abundant before 1989 because something else started taking place bigtime in 1987.

04-13-2010, 12:28 PM
Nice sunset pic Tiny.I'd have to say just left of Donners,on big islandby the highlines.Can't wait to get up there and on the water!!

The Tiny Fisherman
04-13-2010, 01:19 PM
Hey Gus, looks like your the only one that is trying to figure out the locations.

I'll tell ya, it sure is a bonus getting out on the water this early in the year. Why even Flambeau Fluffy has already been out shore ratting.

See you on the water,

04-13-2010, 01:52 PM
If she's shore ratting already, have her keep an eye out for #7 Perch Shad Raps. There should be about 47 of them out there somewhere. I'll stop by to pick them up in May. Tell her thanks in advance

04-13-2010, 05:04 PM
Hello , can I take a chance that the Sunset is taken from the area by the Pink Rock looking towards the mainland / Narrows to Lake Bastine ? And the one with the Stumps taken by the Black Rock ( out from Lake bastine ) looking towards the narrows ?

The Tiny Fisherman
04-14-2010, 06:33 AM
Tim, you got the one about the stumps by the black rock. Gus had gotten the one of the sunset shinning on the Big Island across from the old Hiawatha Resort, near the highlines.

Have a great day,

04-14-2010, 08:08 AM
I believe this is just below the outlet dam.

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
04-14-2010, 09:34 AM
Robinson Landing


04-14-2010, 10:37 AM
Is this on the Big Island right outside of Lake bastine going towards the narrows ? I missed the Sunset picture , it is the Big Island , I can see the high trees , I used to use these to line up a stump we called the Preachers stump years ago ( back when the power line towers were on the small Islands in the Bay !!! ) . They also look like the Trees on the Main Island prior to the Pink Rock , we use those trees to line up a Stump we call two Stumps . The memories bring a smile today - Thanks !

04-14-2010, 10:52 AM
Hi Tim,

Did you ever stay at Idle Shores? This has to be 25 years ago (mid 80's), but I think we met having a beer with Kenny one night. You were telling me about a spot you called "Two Stumps" and I think you also claimed to always catch 2 walleyes out of that spot. It was a Saturday night and we both had finished unpacking, were having a couple of beers and really pumped to get on the water the next day. I remember you describing it as being on the north side of the water before reaching the Pink Rock.

The Tiny Fisherman
04-15-2010, 06:56 AM
Scott you finally got one.....:-)

Cant' believe that you can not use split shot and/or jigs under one ounce. Sounds like PETA wrote the Question 61 - Lead reduction in fishing tackle.

Who in their right mind would have voted to band the use of lead fishing tackle? They make it seem as if we're poising the whole world. Look at the states that have already have this ban in place, all New England tree huggers.

Sell your jig molds on Ebay before the whole country goes nuts,

The Fox
04-15-2010, 08:25 AM
Are we looking Southeast past Donners just outside of Bastine?

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
04-15-2010, 09:44 AM
Thanks Tim,

The competition has been tough this year. Hated to take that "puf ball", but wanted to get one point on the board. LOL

How much rain did we get last night? We haven't put out the rain gauge yet.



04-15-2010, 01:15 PM

My rain gauge had just over 1/2 inch of much needed rain from last night until noon today.


Mark Benson
04-15-2010, 02:00 PM

Down here in Minocqua, but I had a .25" when I left the house this a.m. and am hoping we got the other .25" Randy is talking about before it left early this p.m...


Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
04-15-2010, 11:29 PM
Talked to Shane at Midway tonight and he fortunately reported 1". All Flowage property owners should turn on their garden hoses into the Flowage for the next 2 weeks. LOL



04-16-2010, 06:02 AM
Maybe they need to review what full pool is. If you start with more you always will have more. Things change and it might be time to reset the levels of what full pool really needs to be. Not sure if that can be done but if you can raise full pool by 2-3 ft, down the road it will help.


The Tiny Fisherman
04-16-2010, 06:14 AM
We had 9/10 inches of rain.

Looks like there is going to be a dry spell for the coming week.

Have a great weekend,

04-16-2010, 12:55 PM
Hello Don , you asked if I stayed at Idle Shores during the 80's . No , that was not me . We have always stayed at Joe Millers Cottages .

Thank You ..

04-16-2010, 01:12 PM
Maybe they need to review what full pool is. If you start with more you always will have more. Things change and it might be time to reset the levels of what full pool really needs to be. Not sure if that can be done but if you can raise full pool by 2-3 ft, down the road it will help.


I hope you are kidding......

04-17-2010, 11:46 AM
I hope you are kidding......

Nope I'm not. In the last several or more years I have not heard any one say the waters to high. But everyone sure has complained on how low it has been. It would just build a backup for the years that there is no snow and little rain.

Then there would be enough to keep the river up too. Full pool is just a number that someone picked out at the start of the TFF. At that time it might have been good, but with the amount of rain that falls now doesn't keep up any more.
