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View Full Version : Hookless sucker fishing

Jim L
03-06-2010, 06:52 PM
Rob and Ken,
On the Hunt for Big Fish today, Larry Dahlberg was experimenting with circle hooks with suckers for muskies. He then tried fishing with suckers without hooks. He would wire the sucker on to the line by threading wire through the nostrils. He allowed the muskie to swallow the sucker and then reeled the fish in when he gave it enough time. No hooks and unless the musky regurgetates the sucker you land an unharmed fish. Pull the sucker out and release the muskie.
What are your opinions on this idea? I know it is slower than quick strikes but it would be stealthier.

steve s
03-08-2010, 10:56 AM
Quick strike rigs work great. Why fix something that isn't broken. It just sounds like a bad idea to pull a fish around by its insides. IMO