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View Full Version : eagle lakes awesome multi species fishery

Steve Herbeck
02-25-2010, 02:31 PM
while muskies get alot of the attention here on this board because it is a glamorous trophy species so to speak and because of our rep of putting so many big ones in the pics over the years sometimes people who haven't been to eagle or in recent years don't get the story on the terrific multi species action available on eagle lake.ALL 5 SPECIES which can't be done many destinations.
if yu go back through the pics from last few seasons you will see many and numerous pics of big walleyes 30"+ probabaly more than some very noted fisherys. the walleye fishing on eagle has exploded and rivals any in nw ontario not only in big avg size fish 20-26" with potential for a 28-32" fish any day but tremendous year classes coming up in the 14-18" eater sizes.
the smallmouth fishery is also steadily increasing with big avg size in the 16-20"+ range and has been a well kept secret among bass fishing fanatics, but i recomend hitting peak times,best times for these great fighters is last of may through june and again a real sleeper time for big smallies is end of sept and early oct.
avg pike size has also steadily been increasing with a good number of 40"+ fish in the system and lake trout are holding steady with excellent shots at 18-25#+ fish on eagle and great numbers of 3-8 # on nearby portage lakes.

i'll be posting some techniques and tactics for early season fishing these species after i get off the road this weekend.
the middle of may thru first 3 weeks of june was long considered the holy grail of timing to make trips for walleyes,pike,lake trout,and bass and because of some late springs many think they might not have open water because of storys from much further north, we have NEVER not had open water and great fishing opener may 15 and on.
in the meantime chime in on any specifics you want info on and or experiences.
steve herbeck

02-28-2010, 11:34 AM
Agreed 100% Herbie! Eagle is an amazing fishery!

As you know, when my Dad used to go on the trips, we would spend a little time targeting other species to give his body a rest from Musky fishing. I have caught 2 pike over 40" on Eagle. And I have also caught walleye to 26" (during the day!!!...I have yet to target the 30"+ with Danny in the evening but I know he has success doing it). I have portaged to Clearwater and caught as many trout and whitefish as I could reel in.

One of these days, I wouldn't mind targeting the 20"+ bass, but with the Musky fishing so damn good, it's hard to commit to that!

Throw in a 54" and a 51" Musky the last two years (plus a 48" and a 49+")...who needs to go anywhere else other than Eagle Lake to go fishing!


Bill Hedden
02-28-2010, 04:27 PM
I would be grateful if you would post a guide to that late September-early October smallmouth fishing. Where are they and how do you target them?
Bill Hedden

Steve Herbeck
03-02-2010, 07:43 AM
the smallmouth fishing in the fall is a very overlooked,under utilized fishery.
everyone is fishing muskies,walleyes,pike and just seem to forget about bass come fall. you can have it all to yourself if you're a bass fisherman,or it's a great way to take a break from casting midday while lunching and pound up on some big bass for awhile.
big avg size fish mostly 16-20"+ that have been deeper and/or suspended most of the season after post spawning move up on bars with general depths to concentrate on at 16-24'. bars that held walleyes in july aug topping off at 18 to just below surface in the western arm (stretch and trout hole 0 area),vb,portage (tugboat and the smaller humps nearby),and the central section (deadmans,pats,etc) are classic predictable examples.
typically they will not be scattered all over the whole bar but instead stacked in smaller areas of turns and fingers.
BIG live bait (dace and suckers 4-6")on jigs and rigs are fav fall presentions though you can catch fish on tubes,drop shotted plastics,flukes and gulp,etc

Steve Herbeck
04-23-2010, 05:52 PM
as of april 22 ice has been totally out for 2 weeks with 60-70 degree sunny weather.
pike are done spawning,walleyes at it and i'm sure will be done soon,most creeks are not flowing heavy so it will be a predominant shoreline/shoal spawn which will also disperse them into early summer patterns quickly and feeding heavily in predicatble locations as weeds will be well ahead of previious years and bait fish will be shallow with the warm fertile shallows.
bass will be head of schedule i'd bet on beds by last week of may/1st week of june and muskys should be done spawning by 1st/2nd week of june and ready to rock come opener.
this bodes well for late may/june fishing it very well could be the best in years overall.
bookings though some late who were contemplating going this season are picking up as nice weather is getting people excited about fishing.
we still have some prime time availablity in end of may and june,nows the time and this is the season to enjoy it!!