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View Full Version : RFRG 2/25 Icefishing w/Muskie Matt

Muskie Matt
02-25-2010, 07:28 AM

We're getting near the close of another gamefish season, March 1st on our WI/MI boundary waters, March 7th on our inland lakes. Another point to remember is ice shacks have to be removed by March 15th.

The bite in general has been a bit slow but we're catching fish overall. This week we've been fishing with our local high school students (juniors/seniors) who are involved in a program called "Outdoor Pursuits" where the kids learn about all kinds of outdoor activities from archery to, well... icefishing. They've caught some panfish and pike on both jig poles and tip-ups. Today brings day 3, the last day of on-the-ice training, of the icefishing segment. These kids are great to work with and it's just a hoot fishing with them.

I'll be heading up to LVD after today for a couple day excursion looking for pike n walleye. Look for updates here and on our Facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/pages/Muskie-Matt-RFRG-Outdoor-Radio/206872896639?ref=share
Also stay in the loop with our "live from the ice" reports using Twitter... kinda cool being able to stand there and tell everybody exactly what we're seeing.

More updates soon...

Muskie Matt
02-26-2010, 06:46 AM

Wrapped up the "Outdoor Pursuits" program with the high school yesterday, today it's the ER Chain in the morning then LVD for the afternoon/evening.

Fishing was slow for the high school kids, although we caught fish, the pike are usually much more active which indicates a slower bite in general. Weather is changing and that should kick things in gear for the weekend, we'll find out today...