View Full Version : Any results and pictures from the "Jug" derby?

The Bait Shop Guy
02-07-2010, 10:32 AM
We heard it took some pretty impressive fish to even place in the walleye category. Did anyone take pics at the weigh-in?

02-07-2010, 12:05 PM
Glen Chenier took first with a 13lb walley which was unbelievable
second place was 12 lb
third place was 11 something
i took 4th with 10.89 lb
There was a lot of nice door prizes given out. Nice turn out.

02-07-2010, 12:36 PM
Here's the top 5 to the best of my phone camera-picture-deciphering abilities:

1 Glenn Chenier 13.06 (dat ting was a TANK congrats dude!)
2 Terry Carlson 11.92
3 Kyle Jore 11.44
4 Rick Hakes 10.82
5 Joe Johnson 10.41

Congrats everyone on the board. Kick a** day of fishing. 10 fish around 10 pounds or more.