View Full Version : Mea culpa Ty…..Mea maxima culpa

alonzo buck
01-28-2010, 04:29 PM
Sorry for that Ty. I tend to get a bit passionate when it comes to women and muskies. Here again is the link to the story:


This is one of my favorite fisheries in Northern Wisconsin / N.E. Minnesota. I am also not looking forward to the PMTT coming there in September. IMO these tourneys put too much pressure on a confined area at one time. This goes for all large fishing tourneys. I have no problem with weekly “Leagues”, but tourneys provide no value to the fishery, only to the local economy, and that I could give a rip about.

Ty Sennett
01-29-2010, 09:46 AM
I understand the tourney thing. I fish them sometimes and like and hate them. They actually do help the area out quite a bit from all the spending but it does open up the lake to more traffic than normal. Some tourneys donate some of the winnings back to stocking. Hartman's tourneys in particular.

Gotta run,