View Full Version : 1-22-10 report

01-22-2010, 07:39 PM
I had Craig and his dad Dave from Green Bay out today after a very long day it paid off. We marked lots of fish this morning but couldn't get them to bite and we had one flag midday that took out 20' of line and stole the minnow. Then about 20 minutes before I was going to start to pick up the tip-ups a flag went up. We went over and Craig said that he saw it spinning when we were walking over to it, but I never saw it move we waited a little while and I decided to check it I started pulling the line up and I felt some weight there and gave the line to Craig and he did a great job of setting the hook and fighting the fish, it didn't want to stick it's head up the hole but we finally get it in. It is the biggest Walleye that Craig has ever caught the fish was 30.5" and weighted 9.5 lbs. Congratulation's Craig on a nice Little Bay De Noc Walleye.
Tightlines to all and Good Luck

01-23-2010, 08:47 AM
Hey Steve,

Always amazes me how one can go from $#it head to hero in a matter of minutes. Just jerkin your chain.
Congrats on another nice fish. Patience pays off again. See ya next week!