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View Full Version : RFRG 1/15 Icefishing w/Muskie Matt Update

Muskie Matt
01-16-2010, 10:14 AM
We had a hoot yesterday, went out for an afternoon of action fishing, just looking for lots of flags, we found what we wanted. Weather was nice, allowing us to sit on the ice in chairs and survey our tip-ups. In 2 hours or so of fishing we had maybe 20 flags and almost as many fish. 3 were nice size 28-30 inch pike which I kept for a dinner and the remainder ranged from 15 to 24 inches, and only two bite offs. Just a load of fun chasing flags.

There is a footnote to this outing, we caught the 3rd large pike as we were picking up to leave for the day. We tossed it in the sled with the other two and began our walk in. Being freshly caught this fish was of course a bit more fiesty and managed to flip itself out of the sled without us hearing it. As we neared shore we paused to watch a majestic eagle come soaring at us low out of a pine tree and circle above us. I thought, "it can't be going to try to hit the fish in the sled" (we didn't know we were missing a fish... yet). As we slowly turned following this grand birds path, down came the talons and WHOOSH, 30ft behind us we watched this eagle pick up our escapee and make off with it. This was no small pike mind you, a good, fat 28in fish. We were like, "damn, stole our fish but it sure looked cool". The moral of this story... there is none... but perhaps whop your catch in the head or put some stuff on top of em' to keep them seated on the ride home.


Good fishing to everyone...

Sid Chigger
01-16-2010, 01:44 PM
How cool is that?? Great pic, Matt!!

Jeremy Hopland
01-16-2010, 05:23 PM

Eagle 1
01-22-2010, 06:42 AM
Hi Matt, You gotta watch those Eagles, summer or winter!!! good fishin, Brad

01-25-2010, 05:35 PM
Moral of the story, don't be wearin one of those foam fish hats or you just might be arms & legs flappin in the wind.