View Full Version : Survey guy?

01-11-2010, 12:57 PM
Anyone really know why the survey guy is driving around asking everyone what they are catching? He won't tell us why he is really doing it. Fishing has been slow. Few eyes and pike.

01-11-2010, 05:58 PM
there was a survey guy at sportsmans landing in july when i was up there. he's probably just seeing what people are catching for some kind of fish survey report for the turtle. why he won't tell anybody why is suspicious and rude if he's suspecting people to tell him what they are catching.

Bob Stoerzer
01-12-2010, 03:53 PM
I believe that was one of the creel survey clerks. There was a guy there in June when I was camping. He called himself a "landlocked" surveyor as he was not assigned a boat.


01-16-2010, 06:59 PM
This one of the two main components of the comprehensive fisheries survey. The creel census provides the catch and harvest estimates to go with the population estimates from the netting and electrofishing surveys that were completed last spring. The census lasts all season, so the clerks will be out until the end of March. The guy who was parked at Springstead Landing all summer was quite friendly, but regardless, if you read your fishing regulations you'll find that "it is illegal to withhold catch and fishing effort information when interviewed by authorized DNR creel clerks."