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View Full Version : Area lakes Ice Reports

Fishing Thrills Guide Service
12-15-2009, 09:51 AM
I have been asked countless times this past week where can I , we go ice fishing yet. Well yes you can the south end of Lake Waubesa their doing really well in front of my buddies place, the ditches at Viking Park in Stoughton, Squaw Bay on Lake Monona, & the north triangle at Monona Bay people there were spotted with piles of fish near the tracks, Delavan Lakes inlets, lake lawn marina and some near shore areas have all seen action. "As Always Be careful"
The average is depth on all of these areas are approx. 3-5". We could use more cold nights to keep the ice coming! From all of the areas above, we heard good reports at Monona Bay, the Triangle (Bluegill), and Cherokee Marsh(Bluegill & Crappies). With the next few nights in the single digit temp range the ice with build more for those who won't brave those skinny ice conditions. For more up to date info in the madison area stop in and see the guys at D and S bait and tackle, For the Delavan Geneva Lakes area geneva bait and tackle has everything your looking for.
On a personal note my winter job at Blonhaven Hunt Club has been really going well and I have had no time yet on the ice. Blonhaven's cover is holding up well even after the 12+ inches of snow we had over fourty hunters out one day last week so my time on the ice could be limited unless we get really socked! If your looking for a carefree icefishing trip give me a call. I've got access to areas that are "HOT" and a short walk so you can be sitting in a warm heated ice shack fishing before you have time to get cold!
Check us out blonhavenhunt-club.com or fishingthrills.com