View Full Version : Boat Collision

11-29-2009, 04:08 PM
Last night I saw something I hope I never have to see again - a collision between two boats that could have been easily avoided. One boat running slammed into another that was fishing. The boat that was fishing did not have an operational rear light. It's almost impossible to see a boat in the dark without a rear light unless you're approaching it from the front and can see the red/green bow light. Fortunately nobody was severely injured and nobody ended up in the water.

I was fishing about a half mile away when it happened. With the speed that the running boat was moving when he hit the other I thought we'd be looking for a body when we headed over to them. Thankfully that wasn't the case, but it could have been if not for a whole lot of luck. As it is one boat is totaled and another is severely damaged.

Boats can be replaced, lives can't. If you don't have operational lights that are on at all times in the dark, get off the water so that you or someone else doesn't get killed!!! If you're running in the dark maintain a safe speed and be vigilant. There's no reason to be running 50+ MPH in the dark, it doesn't give you enough time to react when/if you see something in front of you!!

11-29-2009, 05:39 PM
Where about did this happen? I was out last night until midnight didnt see any one without running lights. but I have seen this before on the lake good thing no one was hurt

Frank S
11-29-2009, 06:07 PM
Thankful no one was injured. Not unusual to see "stealth fighters" out there in the fall, running either no lights or just bow lights. Couple years ago, I kept firing up one jerk with no lights on with my 2 million power light, he finally got tired of it and turned them on (he was hollering something at me, I don't think it was "thanks for reminding me"). Good technique, you are all welcome to use it. Running at high speed in the dark is just crazy, lights or no lights. A sort-of close call happened to me where a boat was running toward my stern as we were fishing, we spot-lighted him and he shut down. I think what happened was that my white light was against the background of Gladstone, and just didn't stand out.

11-29-2009, 06:09 PM
It happened around midnight a little north of the narrows towards Third Reef. The running boat was headed from the north end to the launch at the yacht club and the other was trolling.

11-30-2009, 04:43 AM
That is somthing . ya know peaple are there trying to hide or JURT STUPPID TO GO AND FISH WITHOUT LIGHTS?

11-30-2009, 08:10 AM
I've had 2 near misses with "stealth fighters" on the bay. Both of them could have turned out very bad if I wasn't driving slow and watching out. Both of them also turned on their lights after the near misses, but the guy who got hit had a bad light, knew about it, and continued to fish. He was fishing right in the area I was using to run back for the pass I was making, so I was watching out for him for quite a while. Unfortunately, the boat who hit him had no idea he was there.

11-30-2009, 10:39 AM
I also see many boats with their lights out at night. A law is a law and this one should be followed strictly. I have very good night vision an do not go over 25 mph ,most of the time 15 to 20 is to fast and I also have come up on many boats in stealth mode. We are all out there to have fun and enjoy the Bays and to come home to our families when done fishing. I sure hope that boat with no lights has good insurance cause he's going to need it. Thank God no one was seriously hurt. Good luck fishing and Happy Wally Days to everyone.

warrior tiller
11-30-2009, 10:56 AM
see this all the time at detroit river.also here at lbdn.late report from nov. 18-21,caught 19 walleye. first two nites rocked,next two one fish.Fishing east of center reef 15-23 water.fish were on feed bag both nites two fish over 29ins. and most were over 26 with a couple eaters throw in.
reef runners 100ft back w/ fireline on boards.grape ape was the hot bait,barbie,blu muffin,red thunderstick also good.chris (aka bait shop guy posted a picture of lure on lake-link.com.also picture of fishing partner mike holding double that he posted.good luck all!

12-01-2009, 05:32 PM
it wasnt me but my partner big d. we were out last monday in seperate boats. big d was running around 30 mph at night and he noticed an object and immediatly pulled the power back. just feet away was a cayak with no lights. this happened between the vagabon and center reef. what is a cayaker doing out in the middle of north bay at night with no lights? death wish maybe? lucky big d was being causious.

12-02-2009, 01:12 AM
it wasnt me but my partner big d. we were out last monday in seperate boats. big d was running around 30 mph at night and he noticed an object and immediatly pulled the power back. just feet away was a cayak with no lights. this happened between the vagabon and center reef. what is a cayaker doing out in the middle of north bay at night with no lights? death wish maybe? lucky big d was being causious.

they were probably tending their illegal nets... wouldnt doubt it lately...