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View Full Version : Scewing up the Natural Selection.......

Frank Walsh
11-26-2009, 03:29 PM
Darwin would be rolling over in his grave over this idiot:

Humble Whitefish Bay hero
Posted By By Mike Aiken
Posted 25 mins ago

Brian Joseph was up watching the late night movie in the early hours of Saturday morning when he went outside for a smoke. It was around 1:45 a.m., when he heard a teenager running around.

There was only a thin sheet of ice on the bay, but the young man strayed onto it. After a few steps, when Joseph could here the ice breaking beneath, there was a crash.

"I was watching from the porch. The kid was really yelling and stuff," Joseph recalled Wednesday, as he reflected on the scene.

"I told my dad, and I said to myself 'I gotta do something.' I had to help in some way," he remembered.

Quickly, two members of the crisis team, Guy Paypompee and Georgina Tom, came running to assist. They shone a light on the young man, who was now submerged in icy water.

While the crisis team members tried to extend a lifeline, they weren't successful. Joseph could see the teen was succumbing to the cold, as he wasn't responding.

"I didn't even think twice. I got in the water and pulled him toward the shore," Joseph said.

… more in today's Daily Miner and News on newsstands and at

Frank Walsh
11-26-2009, 03:34 PM
Succumbing to the cold, or lacquer thinner, I wonder???