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View Full Version : Boreal Bay - Deer Camp - Nov 15th

Kevin Nelson
11-18-2009, 12:09 AM
Our 2009 season ended with some great weather for being in the north woods. Wish we could be open for a few more weeks.

Deer hunters found a couple more 8 point bucks (one was technically a 7 because a point was broken off) for our last week and reported lots of grouse sightings around the woods. Also hoping to see pictures of deer that our hunters passed up – if they have good clarity, I will gladly post them on the website.

The best deer we heard about this season was a 17 point 260 pound buck that someone shot off airport road... but it was not one our guests, so no confirmation or picture.

Kakagi (Crow) Lake was still 45 degrees when we pulled the last boat. No sign of the Whitefish being up yet – possible I missed them due to time of day but would have expected to have seen something on the clear calm days with good light or at least on the adjacent waters on the graph.

I arrived home in Buffalo, MN early this AM and will be headed to Atlanta, GA tomorrow for a few days.

I have a few 2010 deposit checks to process and send back confirmation letters.. expecting it will be Sunday before I will be able to finish getting them all out. 2010 looks to be an exciting year – we can hardly wait to get back to Boreal Bay and start our season with ice-out Lake Trout!

We encountered a few internet and phone problems at home and think we have the last of them resolved. In the end we have moved to a new phone service and installed new phones. The phones are great, but not certain how we feel about the new phone service – missing many of the features we had liked and used with the old. We sincerely apologize for any confusion this may have caused with 800 number be transferred and our voice mail recordings being reset to the providers default message.

In the next few weeks we will be working on our postcard mailings and newsletters. Jean is working on setting up Facebook and Twitter for the resort along with starting to review pictures for the website photo albums. I'm working on a tackle dealership program and getting things lined up for some spring projects at the resort.
