View Full Version : November 4th report

Ty Sennett
11-05-2009, 01:05 PM
The fishing was a little slower than the day before but then again we kind of got spoiled a little. No, a lot!

Anyway, Broke Back Frank only cast one of my baits off yesterday so it wasn't a total loss. We lost track of his backlash count early in the day also. He did however have most of the action so I shouldn't rip on him too much. Frank had one hit right at the boat on a Warlock and also had one follow on it. I had one hit an AP Lure right at the boat and had one nice follow on a Bulldawg. We ended up only having one hit on suckers yesterday which kind of surprised me. Mike caught that mid thirty incher. It looked like it was going to be a great fishing day but the fish didn't think so. I guess any day you have three fish hit it isn't bad though. I had a great time with those guys. It was rip city in the boat for two straight days. You'd better come with some thick skin with those guys.

Thanks again Mike and Frank,
