View Full Version : DNR Catch Illegal Netters

11-04-2009, 09:29 AM
Sunday night the DNR caught 3 white people and 1 tribal member using ILLEGAL nets in Big Bay. They collected 1100 lbs of Whitefish. They watch them in a stake out set the nets at around 6:00pm Sunday night and busted them when they pulled the nets about 5 hrs later. I think there should be a press release soon with some more info.


Capt. Keith Wils
11-04-2009, 10:36 AM
-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Dettloff <dettloffm1@MICHIGAN.GOV>
Sent: Wed, Nov 4, 2009 8:57 am
Subject: DNR Conservation Officers Seize Illegal Gill Net With 1,100 Pounds of Fish in Big Bay De Noc

Nov. 4, 2009

Contact: Mary Dettloff 517-335-3014 or Debbie Munson Badini

DNR Conservation Officers Seize Illegal Gill Net with 1,100 Pounds of
Fish in Big Bay De Noc

Three Upper Peninsula men were implicated in an illegal gill netting
operation this week on the waters of Big Bay De Noc in Delta County.

Conservation officers from the Department of Natural Resources’
Commercial Fish Enforcement Unit made contact with three men illegally
harvesting fish using a gill net in the early hours of Monday, Nov. 2.

Officers seized 1,100 pounds fish which consisted of primarily
whitefish, with a very small amount of burbot and walleye. The
wholesale value of the whitefish was approximately $860. In addition, a
14-foot boat, motor and trailer were confiscated, along with 1,200 feet
of gill net and other gear used in the operation.

A misdemeanor charge will be sought through the Delta County
Prosecutor’s Office for fishing with an illegal device, along with a
felony resisting and obstructing an officer charge for one of the men
who fled the scene on foot.

A second individual will be arraigned in the Delta County court later
this month on misdemeanor charges of fishing with an illegal device.

The third man will be charged in the Sault Ste. Marie Band of Chippewa
Indians Tribal Court for subsistence fishing without a license.

Condemnation proceedings will be initiated by the officers for all of
the gear seized. For the fishing violations, the men could face up to
90 days in jail and receive up to a $1,000 fine. In addition, the cost
of restitution for the fish could range into the thousands of dollars.
The penalties for resisting and obstructing an officer are up to two
years in prison and up to a $1,000 fine.

Anyone can report a wildlife or fish violation to the DNR by calling
the Report All Poaching Line at 800-292-7800. Information can be left
anonymously, and cash rewards are sometimes given to persons who leave
information that leads to arrests.

The DNR is committed to the conservation, protection, management,
accessible use and enjoyment of the State’s natural resources for
current and future generations.

# # #

Mike P
11-04-2009, 10:55 AM
Speaking about illegal netting i was just wondering what EXACTLEY did ever happen to the fellows who were caught taking walleyes with nets illegally in Little Bay De Noc last winter ? Perhaps someone could shed some light on EXACTEY what their punishment was . Was it swept under the rug, was there punishment ever doled out, or is the outcome still pending ?

The Bait Shop Guy
11-04-2009, 11:53 AM
It's in the hands of the court systems right now. Nobody has gone to trial, yet. Two of them will be tried in tribal court, and the Feds will handle the other three. Could be years before anything happens.

11-04-2009, 12:53 PM
I hope that catching these guys is a result of the DNR stepping up their enforcement efforts and not an indication of how many illegal netting operations are ongoing in the Bays de Noc. I've heard from several people this year that aren't planning on fishing the Bays because they relate poor catches to the netting - both legal and illegal. I know all of the talk of netting has certainly dampened my enthusiasm.

It's a shame that this is happening, Little Bay fall fishing has always been my favorite fishing of the year. I sincerely hope that the less than fantastic fishing of the past couple years isn't a result of the netting and I suspect it's not based on all the good reports we saw back in September.

So thank you to the Michigan DNR for catching these guys and I hope they continue to watch the bays (more) closely in the future.

11-04-2009, 01:24 PM
Not a resident but man this is gettin old. I could imagine how you folks up there feel about it especialy you guys that make a living from those waters. The law needs to step up and start making some examples of these classLESS individuals. Sounds like it is more important than ever for everybody to keep their eyes open and report anything that looks (fishy)!! I will be up there the 16th thru the 20th and will be going out for a night with Captain Kieth Wils and I am STOKED!!!!! You better believe that for the rest of my trip I will have my eyes peeled!!! LUK2ALL!!!!

11-04-2009, 06:19 PM
I hope that catching these guys is a result of the DNR stepping up their enforcement efforts and not an indication of how many illegal netting operations are ongoing in the Bays de Noc. I've heard from several people this year that aren't planning on fishing the Bays because they relate poor catches to the netting - both legal and illegal. I know all of the talk of netting has certainly dampened my enthusiasm.

It's a shame that this is happening, Little Bay fall fishing has always been my favorite fishing of the year. I sincerely hope that the less than fantastic fishing of the past couple years isn't a result of the netting and I suspect it's not based on all the good reports we saw back in September.

So thank you to the Michigan DNR for catching these guys and I hope they continue to watch the bays (more) closely in the future.

Just back from fishing the Little Bay with disappointing results. We had heard of the great late fall walleye fishing and were really excited about our first trip. Not sure we'll ever go back....

11-04-2009, 08:12 PM
Butch - Don't give up after only one trip. Little Bay can be tough, especially if you're not familiar with fishing there. The first year I started fishing up there I had my share of skunks too. Fortunately after many years of learning I'm usually able to put a few in the boat. I'd suggest trying it again, but hire one of the good local guides for a day. It would be well worth the investment. I wish someone had given me that advice on my first trip up there, it sure would have made the learning curve a lot easier.

The Bait Shop Guy
11-04-2009, 08:16 PM
Sorry you had a bad first experience up here. Most people find the bay a tough nut to crack their first couple trips - and that's during a normal year! This year has been anything but "normal." If we were the only ones experiencing tough fishing, then I'd say the illegal netting was the blame. Almost everyone we talk to from Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and lower Michigan has been affected. The only common factor has been the crappy weather since spring. Hopefully we'll have a decent, normal winter, and set things back on track.

Don't get me wrong, the netting really sucked, and is surely a factor. It's an easy excuse. Still, I believe the weather has been a much bigger factor this season. I guess only time will tell.

11-05-2009, 07:48 AM
I really think that there has to be a bigger price to pay so the risk of raping our natural resources would out weigh the the reward! Maybe it should be like a drug dealer, doesn't so much matter if they get caught with a large or small amount of ****** its the intent to deliver(sell) that gets the most jail time! and lets face it you get caught with that amount of illegal nets, fish etc. etc. the intent to sell is clearly there! So I think if this crime was considered a felony with mandatory(years not months) jail time, no matter what level of involvement you have in it. Then maybe, the risk would not be worth it, to most if not all! Anyway it would make me feel better knowing these jerks would be eating boloney sandwiches and having a cell mate named "BIG BUBBA" for the next five years or longer!

11-05-2009, 09:51 AM
Most criminals don't think about the consequences of their actions. Not that I'm against stiffer penalties, but keep in mind we then have to buy the balogna sandwiches, the heat and electricity, the healthcare and just about everything else for these losers. Closing prisons and running out of money means these losers will be less likely to end up in them.

hook em and cook em
11-05-2009, 10:46 AM
I dont know what has happened recently, but it is my understanding that the guys caught last winter have yet to be arrested or charged with a crime. The latest charachters probably noticed the lack of action on the previous case, and decided the law was weak and they could get away with it too. Makes me wonder just how many illegal netting operations we really have in the area.

11-05-2009, 11:31 AM
From an old man who has enjoyed the bays fishing for the past nine years, I TAKE MY HAT OFF FOR THE DNR. Keep up the great work!!! your helping all sportsmen when you get a group of S--- Heads like these guys.. Propman

11-05-2009, 12:12 PM
Most criminals don't think about the consequences of their actions. Not that I'm against stiffer penalties, but keep in mind we then have to buy the balogna sandwiches, the heat and electricity, the healthcare and just about everything else for these losers. Closing prisons and running out of money means these losers will be less likely to end up in them.

We can feed em goby and cormorant suprise!

11-05-2009, 06:30 PM
Sorry to say I stopped fishing the bay about 4 years ago. I started in the mid eighties. Back then when I had a 12 fish day as a rookie I was scratching my head wondering what I was doing wrong. As we learned the Bays different areas and techniques a good day was 20 fish. Great size too. Some of our better days we may have had up to 30 plus eyes. I really miss fishing the area. The people we met up there are also great. I hope the fishing rebound at some point in my life. I'll be back in the drop of a hat.

11-05-2009, 07:29 PM
Why did you give up fishing the bays 4 years ago??? The fish are still there, as stated earlier things change, thats why they call it fishing. I too have fished the bays since ,well way before the 80's, and have seen many ups and downs in the number/size of fish caught. I fish cause I love being on the water, as they say a bad day fishing is much better then a good day working!!! I truly believe(as bait shop guy said) it's more to do with mother nature--wierd weather, very low water levels, big flucuations in temps then it is to any thing else. Yes I'm sure the netters don't help(did you know that legal comercial netting was aloud in the bays back in the 80's when you had so much success?) or the comerants and I also believe that the DNR decision not to stock the bays any more has also had an effect so put it all together and the fishing is bound to go south. But I also want to say that people screaming from the roof tops(and online and in the newspapers) that there are no fish left in the bays because of netting are truly doing more of a dis-service to the local economy then they know. I for one will keep fishing and thanking GOD for the chance to get out in my boat everyday that I can, fish in the freezer or not!!!

11-05-2009, 10:39 PM
Obviously the illegal netters didnt just start a few years ago. I would be willing to bet that this has been going on for years and they are just now starting to get caught up. Dont you think that the dnr has probably stepped up their efforts to catch these people with whats been going on. So Im sure there will be others who get caught and it will seem like this is all new to the area. Either way the wheather has sucked this year for lack of a better word. I live in southeast wisconsin and fishing thru out the state has been tuff at times to say the least. Deffinatly would not let a few SCAB netters mess with my mojo!! Those fish that come to the area are coming from all over and that is alot of water with alot of fish. All Im sayin is I think the whether has alot to do with the fishing thru out the midwest this year. LUK2ALL!!!!

11-06-2009, 10:02 AM
I am from MI, fished little bay when growing up, & when i was in school up in Maruqette. I know some locals there in Gladstone as well.
I have been in TX since 96' (much warmer) and let me say something. If that crap was happening in TX you would get yourself shot! Texan's don't take anything lightly when it comes to anything like this. I say drown the bastards in their own nets!

The Bait Shop Guy
11-06-2009, 11:11 AM


schmutzomatic 5000
11-06-2009, 06:39 PM
I wusa born here, I wusa raised here, and dad gummit I'm a gunna die here. And ain no way no frilliy frackin little frikin fracker gunna tell me any different... lol priceless..... Bait Shop Guy, your my hero.....