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View Full Version : Musky Fishing Report

Andy Huffmaster
09-22-2009, 04:23 PM
Musky fishing has been up and down over the last couple of weeks. Lots of bright sunshine and a lack of wind has made for some long days, but on the days with a little wind fishing has been pretty good. Anything in your box is fair game right now, I've been having the most action and catches on topwater and bucktails on the days that have had some chop, on the flat days try anything rubber, cranks, or a jerkbait you can get down deep. Fish have been showing a strong preference for any kind of mid-lake structure that is holding baitfish, if you have a strong wind look for fish to be right up on top of the structure, if the weather is calm look for schools of bait to be suspended off the edges and just keep throwing lures through the schools of baitfish. Remember to try a lot of different baits, the preference of the fish has been changing almost on a daily basis. I have some good pics that I don't have on the computer yet, I'll try to get them posted with the next report. Good Luck!!