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View Full Version : Thank You LSMC

C. Jackson
09-21-2009, 02:55 PM
Congratulations to all the 14 teams that attended the fall tournament on Sunday, and for those that caught and placed fish....Kudos!

A big thanks has to go out to Kevin McGill, who in lieu of his partner's inability to make the Sunday Tournament, contacted me and invited out for a day of fishing. Your generosity is testament to the high level of sportsmanship and comradery within our club. We shared many stories, tips and tricks of both Musky Hunting, as well as big game fishing in my native state of Alaska. I also enjoyed meeting and chatting with all the fellow club members and guests, and became a member as well at the tournament.

It was quite a day...sun, rain, fog, changing wind and temps, a few bass, a few follows, and all in all a great day on the water. I look forward to many more outings and get togethers in the near and distant future. In the meantime, keep the skunk off the deck, the net wet, and the lines taught!


09-21-2009, 09:59 PM
I also say thank you to the club for a fun event! I will have to fish with you guys some other time. I love fishing lake Shelbyville in the early fall, there is nothing more fun the fishing the coves and picking where the muskies are sitting and then it paying off.

This is Tim Garner, I fished with Johny Phillips because Andrew Veach had to leave due a medical emergency. So I was the "fake Andrew."

Id like to thank Andrew for creating a plan for tournament that Johny and I then had to execute. Man he really had those fish pegged. Good Job Andrew, You really made it to easy for Johny and I.

Before Andrew got called away on Saturday night we had a great time fishing on Saturday. With two boats on the water and four of us fishing we ended up getting on a crazy evening bite and ended the day with 11 fish in the net for the group. 6 in Andrew's boat and 5 in mine. We also lost several fish. For about 2 hours musky fishing was more like bass fishing! Old School Shelbyville action from what I am told!

I ended the weekend with 6 fish myself which marks one of the best weekends of Illinois musky fishing I have ever had. It will be a long week before I get to wet a line again.

See you on the lake... Good Luck and good fishing!
