View Full Version : Friday Nights Catch

09-20-2009, 07:21 PM
This is what A buddy and I caught friday night , one was 27 and other was 28 . We landed them at the same time . We actually caught more then those 2 but no reason 2 bring anymore home . We each kept 1 fish . And the 1 fish will keep us good till winter :) . I know alot say to throw the bigger fish back and keep the smaller fish , but I have never caught Walleye that big and wanted to show my family one back at home . Plus all fish we caught were between 26-28 inches . we didnt catch 1 smaller :( lol

The Bait Shop Guy
09-20-2009, 07:34 PM
Glad you were able to find somebody to go with you. Sounds like you guys had fun. Did you get them on cranks or spinners?

09-21-2009, 12:28 AM
on purple and clear style reef runners like you suggested . While I was down there friday I picked up a few more reef runners from ya and some of your crawler harnesses . Didnt get a chance to try the harnesses yet cause the walleye were on fire with the cranks . Yes I had a blast out on the bay friday . Finally got into some of those bigger ones which I was looking for.Only thing I didnt have was a gps . Which I do have 1 now . Getting back to ford river was rough at night time . We ended up out there from 10-2am looking for the launch finding every rock pile in the lake it seemed lol. Will be back down hopefully this weekend if i get the inboard motor fixed again .Seems Something goes wrong with it everytime I go out .But always have the kicker for spare :) Hopefully you will have more reef runners available so i can by a few more :) . Just wanna thank you again for showing me best colors and always keeping good info on the site and sharing good info at the shop . ty blayne